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Prop 19 Analysis: Will Marijuana Legalization Increase Use?

As California moves toward the legalization of marijuana — next month, voters will decide on Proposition 19, the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 — a key question remains: could the new law produce a whole generation of stoners? Opponents of legalization say, yes, fearing it will lead to a massive increase in pot smoking among youth. But some supporters suggest the opposite: legalizing cannabis could de-glamorize it and ultimately prompt reductions in toking. Who's right?
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The D.E.A. Changes a Policy on Painkillers

The Drug Enforcement Administration has issued a new guideline intended to help ease the delay some nursing home residents face in receiving certain painkillers and anti-anxiety medications. The D.E.A. had not previously recognized nurses employed by nursing homes as the legal agents of doctors in conveying controlled substances prescriptions to pharmacists. The agency’s previous stance, critics said in an article last week in The New York Times, caused many nursing home residents to suffer in pain while they waited for their prescriptions.
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If California Legalizes Marijuana, How Will Obama React?

If Prop 19 passes and marijuana is legalized, California could become a "test-case" state in challenging federal laws on the matter. But what would this mean, practically? Well, a lot of it hinges on how President Barack Obama reacts.

This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
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Mexican President Wants to Eliminate 2,000 Local Police Departments Corrupted by Drug Prohibition

Amid a bloody war against drug trafficking organizations, Mexican President Felipe Calderon said that he was sending Congress a plan to overhaul the country's police system by doing away with local forces. The idea, called "unified command," has been debated for months, as the death toll from the nearly 4-year-old drug prohibition war surpassed 28,000 and signs of police collusion with crime syndicates continued to pile up.

The Time is NOW -- Support CA Prop 19!

California's Prop 19, the "tax and regulate" initiative to legalize marijuana, is ahead in the polls. But turnout is going to be key in this very close election. Please sign up to do get out the vote volunteering by phone -- you don't have to live in California, you just need a phone and an Internet connection -- or do other work to help put Prop 19 over the top.
Ciudad Juarez
Ciudad Juarez

Mexico Drug War Update

Some 288 people were killed in prohibition-related violence in Ciudad Juarez last month, and the pace is continuing this month.
mobile needle exchange/clinic site, Fresno
mobile needle exchange/clinic site, Fresno

California Governor Vetoes Needle Access Bill

California Gov. Schwarzenegger could have made syringe sales to adults legal throughout the state in a bid to reduce the transmission of HIV and Hep C. Instead, he chose to extend a program leaving it up to cities and counties.
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Mexico’s Growing Legion of Drug Prohibition Orphans

Largely overlooked is the story of the estimated tens of thousands of children whose lives are blighted by drug prohibition violence. Neither Mexico's government nor the various independent groups studying organized crime keep track of the number of orphans who have lost fathers, and sometimes mothers too, to the drug prohibition war.
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California's Prop 19: Leading the Way to Marijuana Legalization

Next month, Californians will vote on Proposition 19: the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010. Prop 19 would make recreational use of marijuana entirely legal — and allow cash-strapped cities to raise funds by taxing it. The latest Public Policy Institute of California poll found that 52% of likely voters support Prop 19, with just 41% who oppose it.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Whew! Sex, drugs, strippers, and a federal judge, oh, my! Plus a murder-plotting meth-head trooper, another crooked border inspector, more Philly cops trying to rip off drug dealers, and an Oklahoma narc helping send guns down Mexico way.
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Democrats Look to Cultivate Marijuana Vote in 2012

Democratic strategists are studying California's marijuana legalization initiative to see if similar ballot measures could energize young, liberal voters in swing states for the 2012 presidential election. Some pollsters and party officials say Democratic candidates in California are benefiting from a surge in enthusiasm among young voters eager to back Proposition 19, which would legalize marijuana in certain quantities and permit local governments to regulate and tax it. Party strategists and marijuana legalization advocates are discussing whether to push for similar ballot questions in 2012 in Colorado and Nevada — both expected to be crucial to President Barack Obama's re-election — and Washington state, which will have races for governor and seats in both houses of Congress.
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Miami Beach's Marijuana Revolution

Sensible Florida earlier this year initiated a petition drive to decriminalize marijuana in Jacksonville that stalled, then they turned their sights on Miami's French Riviera. As of this past September 6, the group collected 2,402 signatures from registered voters in Miami Beach. They need to get another 1,800 John Hancocks in order to hold a special election that would let Miami Beach residents make their city the first in Florida to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana.
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New Spike in Violence Punctuates Mexico's Drug Prohibition War

Clashes between rival gangs created by drug prohibition in Mexico left 34 people dead over the weekend, and the beating death of a mayor is the fifth killing of a city leader in six weeks, the latest fallout from the country's deadly drug prohibition war.
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City Told Not to Take Legal Action Against Medical Marijuana Landlord

It only applies to one landlord, but it could indicate what future cases hold. A judge barred Los Angeles city attorneys from taking action against a landlord of a medical marijuana dispensary who is currently part of a lawsuit challenging the city's medical marijuana ordinance.
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