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Why Cops Love the Drug War (Opinion)

Jacob Hornberger, founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation, opines that public officials and drug lords are the biggest beneficiaries of the drug war. He says what police don’t realize (or maybe some of them do) is that the only way to shut down the drug lords, immediately, is to end the drug war by legalizing drugs. Continuing to wage the drug war only ensures that the drug lords will continue supplying drugs and that the cops will continue making busts, and that both groups will continue making beaucoup bucks off the war, which is really what the drug war is all about.
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Washington State Senate OKs Changes to Medical Marijuana System

Washington senators moved forward with establishing more regulation on the state's medical marijuana system, approving a bill with changes that would give patients greater protection from arrest and bring the supply chain out of a legal gray area. After lengthy debate, senators approved the bill on a 29-20 vote. The measure now moves to the House.
INCB head Hamid Ghodse (l) briefing reporters in Vienna (
INCB head Hamid Ghodse (l) briefing reporters in Vienna (

Most of World Lacks Access to Pain Drugs, UN Agency Says [FEATURE]

While the US wallows in a sea of pain pills, much of the rest of the world goes without, the International Narcotics Control Board reported Wednesday. Not to be too liberal, the INCB is also worried about the rise of designer drugs.
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Drug Smuggling Scandal Shakes Bolivia

Drug prohibition is responsible for a phenomenal amount of government corruption across the globe. Retired-general Rene Sanabria, the former head of Bolivia's main anti-narcotics unit serving as a top intelligence adviser to the country's Interior Minister Sacha Llorenti, pled not guilty in a Miami federal court on charges of conspiring to smuggle cocaine into the U.S., in a scandal that has rocked the government of Evo Morales. Felipe Caceres, Bolivia's top antidrug official said Mr. Sanabria's security unit "was riddled" with corruption, and that 15 other police officials were in the process of being detained for complicity in the drug-smuggling operation.
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57 Percent of Floridians Support Legalizing Medical Marijuana

A new poll shows that 57 percent of Floridians support legalization of medical marijuana as buzz grows that the issue could be placed on the ballot as soon as 2012. The poll was conducted by Fabrizio, McLaughlin & Associates, a Republican firm that worked with Rick Scott's gubernatorial campaign.
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Tensions Rise As U.S. and Mexico Meet About Failing Drug Prohibition War

President Felipe Calderón will meet in Washington tomorrow with President Barack Obama in an attempt to repair relations at a time when spiraling drug prohibition violence in Mexico has frayed ties between the two allies. Mr. Calderón's visit, announced last week, also comes after a spate of ill-timed comments by U.S. officials about Mexico's drug prohibition violence. Among them are that Mexican drug trafficking organizations could be allied with Islamic terrorists and that drug traffickers could overthrow the Mexican state, forcing the U.S. to send troops. Such statements have enraged Mexican officials, who are notoriously sensitive to any suggestion of U.S. interference in national affairs. "I don't recall this kind of bad blood in a long time," said Jorge Castañeda, a former Mexican foreign minister.
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Action, Not More Study, on Medical Marijuana in Maryland (Opinion)

Barry Considine, a writer and polio survivor who advocates for (and uses) medical marijuana, opines that it is time to allow patients in Maryland to use marijuana for medicinal purposes without fear of arrest and prosecution under Maryland law. He says we must move forward based on the best anecdotal evidence that is available as the DEA and National Institute on Drug Abuse have consistently blocked the efforts of researchers and scientists to study medical marijuana and provide empirical evidence of its efficacy.

Blogging Break

In anticipation of a busy Spring season, I've taken the opportunity to spend some time in Europe with my girlfriend during the final, miserable weeks of Winter in D.C. We've just arrived in Barcelona, and I'm guessing I won't be getting much blogging done for the next week or so. Alas, you'll have to go get your drug war news from Pete Guither, who I'm reasonably sure is not presently traveling in Spain, and who would probably still find time to blog even if he were. As for me, I shall return triumphantly by the end of next week I hope.

California Rep. Ammiano during legislative hearings on his legalization bill, January 2010, Sacramento
California Rep. Ammiano during legislative hearings on his legalization bill, January 2010, Sacramento

Marijuana Reform Bills Move in the States [FEATURE]

Marijuana decriminalization has become a hot topic in state legislatures, and legalization is rearing its head, too.
vigil outside Albuquerque Convention Center, 2009 drug policy reform conference
vigil outside Albuquerque Convention Center, 2009 drug policy reform conference

Save the Date for the 2011 International Drug Policy Reform Conference

The biennial International Drug Policy Reform Conference will convene this fall in Los Angeles. Session proposals are accepted until March 18, and registration and scholarship applications for the conference will open soon.
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Kentucky Voices: Desperate Compromise on Bad Anti-Meth Bill (Opinion)

Jim Waters, vice president of policy and communications for the Bluegrass Institute, opines that, unable to secure the votes to pass the original proposal, which makes cold, allergy and sinus products containing pseudoephedrine controlled substances requiring a prescription for purchase, supporters of Kentucky's Senate Bill 45 are now floating what they label a compromise: exempt gel caps. Waters says this new tactic by logically challenged politicians reveals the same intellectual denseness demonstrated all along in this fight. He says that this will do nothing to curb meth production in Kentucky, and that it could even do less by giving citizens a false sense of security that something effective was being done to stop the meth problem.
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Why Mexico's Losing Its Drug War (Opinion)

Benny Avni opines that Felipe Calderon's war on the drug trafficking organizations created by prohibition is costing a lot in American money and Mexican blood -- and he's losing. Avni says the ultimate solution is legalization, which would lower profits and take violence out of the drug trade -- just as the end of Prohibition reduced America's gang problem. But, instead, Washington muddles on with an expensive and extremely deadly conceit -- pretending that all we need to do is pour some money on the problem, and Mexico's federal government will somehow eventually prevail.

This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
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Washington State Medical Marijuana User Dies Without Transplant

Timothy Garon, a musician who was denied a liver transplant because he used marijuana with medical approval under Washington state law to ease the symptoms of advanced hepatitis C, died. Dr. Brad Roter, the physician who authorized Garon to use medical marijuana to alleviate for nausea and abdominal pain and to stimulate his appetite, said he did not know it would be such a hurdle if Garon were to need a transplant.
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Texas Legislature Considers Marijuana-Friendly Bills

A Texas House Committee heard testimony on a proposed bill that seeks to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. House Bill 548 would lower the penalties for possession to the level of a traffic ticket. Another bill under consideration is HB 1491, which deals with medical marijuana. The bill is designed to protect doctors who recommend medical marijuana as a possible treatment to their patients and gives both parties an affirmative defense in court should law enforcement get involved.
Prohibition's filthy lucre is hard for some to resist. (Image via Wikimedia)
Prohibition's filthy lucre is hard for some to resist. (Image via Wikimedia)

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Michigan gives us two spectacularly egregious cases of corrupt policing, one of which included prosecutors and a judge -- and we throw in the obligatory greedy jail guards.
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Minnesota Head Shop Owner Says Fake Marijuana Ban Won't Work

Jim Carlson, the owner of a head shop, says a new federal ban on the sale of five chemicals used to make synthetic marijuana won't make much difference - he'll just stock brands that use other, still-legal substances. Carlson said that with about 210 similar chemicals available, the manufacturers will try to keep one step ahead of the government. "Unfortunately he is correct," said Barbara Carreno, a DEA spokeswoman in Washington, who confirmed Tuesday that many suppliers are offering retailers products with new chemicals. "There are many of these substances and we chose five common ones because we don't have the resources to study all of them."