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In The Trenches

Vote Hemp Action Alert: Comment On Framing Rules Until October 30


Considering the bad news I gave you last week about Governor Schwarzenegger's veto, I am especially happy to report good news from North Dakota. The second-largest wheat exporting state, North Dakota is ranked ninth overall in agriculture exports and is just across the border from the thriving hemp farming provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan Canada. This important farming state will be the first to implement an industrial hemp farming law when it publishes rules on state licensing.

You can help make this happen by sending a letter in support of
North Dakota's proposed rules. The deadline for comments has recently been extended to October 30, 2006.

While Vote Hemp has been organizing comments in support of the rules, Drug Watch International has mobilized anti-hemp activists to send letters in opposition. Despite their efforts, letters in support of the rules are outweighing those in opposition by a 4-to-1 margin. Help us keep a winning score by sending a letter now.

In The Trenches

New Sentencing Project Report -- A Decade of Reform: Felony Disenfranchisement Policy in the U.S.

The Sentencing Project has released a new report revealing a new wave of reforms of state felony voting laws and growing momentum toward restoring voting rights.

Findings published in A Decade of Reform: Felony Disenfranchisement Policy in the United States disclose that since 1997, 16 states have implemented policy reforms that have reduced the restrictiveness of these laws, and more than 600,000 people in seven states have regained their voting rights.

The report also states:


"We'll need grinders and large bongs"


Canadian troops fighting Taliban militants in Afghanistan have stumbled across an unexpected and potent enemy -- almost impenetrable forests of marijuana plants 10 feet tall.
In The Trenches