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Chronicle AM -- January 24, 2014

Bills are popping at state houses across the land, pot politics continues hot and heavy, world leaders have harsh words for prohibition at Davos, and much, much more.
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medical-marijuana COLO DOT_19.jpg

Florida Medical Marijuana Initiative Has Enough Signatures!

The Florida Department of Elections reported today that the

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MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_115.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

Residents of a pair of California counties are fighting back against restrictive ordinances, Arizona rejects some new medical conditions, Illinois rules out draft rules, and more.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) wants to end the "failed war on drugs." (
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) wants to end the "failed war on drugs." (

Chronicle AM -- January 22, 2014

Marijuana, marijuana, marijuana. It sure is generating lots of activity, plus Chris Christie speaks out on the drug war, a major farm organization endorses hemp, and Honduras wants to shoot down drug planes.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

The stench grows in Philadelphia, a parole officer gets caught stealing parolee's pills, a reserve cop tries to trade dope for sex, and jail guards continue to go wild.
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marijuana bud wikimedia_22.jpg

Chronicle AM -- January 21, 2014

The war on weed may be beginning to wheeze toward its end, a researcher reports, and legislators continue to introduce bills to help it on its way. Meanwhile, harm reduction down South gets some attention, a bad bill targets medical marijuana-using parents in Michigan, and Bermuda gets a decrim bill, and more.
Jamaican marijuana users want something to smile about (
Jamaican marijuana users want something to smile about (

Chronicle AM -- January 20, 2014

Marijuana law reform bills just keep coming, a most likely unconstitutional food stamp drug test bill gets filed in Georgia, Australian regulators block urine drug testing of state energy company workers, Jamaicans legalizers grow impatient, and more.
President Barack Obama (
President Barack Obama (

Obama: Marijuana Less Dangerous Than Alcohol, But...

In an interview with the The New Yorker's David Remnick, President Obama said marijuana was safer than alcohol and that state-level experiments with legalization were "important," but that he thought it was a bad habit.

Chronicle AM -- January 17, 2014

Washington's attorney general has dealt a body blow to the statewide legalization of marijuana commerce there, medical marijuana continues to keep state legislatures busy, a New Mexico town and county pay out big time for a horrid anal search, heroin legislation is moving in Kentucky, and more.
harvesting opium poppies in Afghanistan (
harvesting opium poppies in Afghanistan (

Chronicle AM -- January 16, 2014

Florida's medical marijuana initiative appears poised to qualify for the ballot (if it survives a challenge in the state Supreme Court), a new pot poll finds the country evenly split, Afghanistan was on the agenda in the Senate yesterday, and more.
Seven tons of Mexican brick weed seized in Arizona (
Seven tons of Mexican brick weed seized in Arizona (

Marijuana Legalization Will Hurt Mexican Cartels, But How Much? [FEATURE]

As attitudes in America begin to shift in favor of marijuana legalization, it increasingly seems possible that more states -- and eventually the entire country -- might follow. What does this mean south of the border, where Mexican cartels make enormous profits by trafficking this illegal commodity?
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New Hampshire House Passes Marijuana Legalization!

A marijuana legalization bill has passed the New Hampshire House, but not with enough votes to overcome a promised gubernatorial veto. It still faces more votes in the House and Senate, too.
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MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_114.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

Action is really picking up as state legislatures get back into session. Meanwhile, the long battle over regulating medical marijuana in California continues.