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Prohibition: Kansas Becomes First State to Ban K2

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #623)

Kansas Gov. Mark Parkinson signed into law Tuesday HB 2411, which adds certain synthetic cannabinoids to the state's list of controlled substances. The bill is aimed directly at products containing a mixture of herbs and a synthetic cannabinoid, JWH-018, which was isolated by a Clemson University researcher more than a decade ago. The products are sold under a variety of names, including Spice and K2.

''spice'' packet (courtesy
Kansas thus becomes the first state to ban K2, although a handful of localities in the region have already done so. A similar bill is working its way through the legislature in neighboring Missouri, and one is about to be introduced in Georgia.

Users report a marijuana-like high from the blends. Although there have been some isolated reports of adverse reactions, the number appears relatively small compared to the reported massive sales of the blends.

Under the new law, which goes into effect upon publication in the state register later this month, possession of K2 becomes a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and a $2500 fine. That's the same potential punishment as awaits someone busted for small-time marijuana possession in the Jayhawk State.

"This legislation has received overwhelming support by Kansas law enforcement and the legislature," said Parkinson in a signing statement. "It will help improve our communities by bettering equipping law enforcement officers in addressing this issue and deterring Kansans from drug use."

The governor is certainly correct about who supported the bill. Testifying for it were representatives of the Kansas County and District Attorneys Association, the Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police, the Kansas Sheriffs Association, the Kansas Peace Officers Association, and the Kansas Board of Pharmacy.


KansasBoy21 (not verified)

In reply to by madscientist (not verified)

Actually its not illegal here in kansas yet, but its sells $45 for half ounce, depends on the type you get, otherwise you can buy it from Potpourri sites and combine the material and make your own back lacing it though.

Wed, 04/07/2010 - 1:12pm Permalink
McD (not verified)

The cost price, FOB from China, is about $0.07 per dose (1/3 to 1/2) gram. A couple of years ago it was comparatively cheap - less than £6.00 per 1/2 gram joint in the UK. Still more expensive than proper gear, but not too extortionate.

Sat, 03/13/2010 - 4:31pm Permalink
Malkavian (not verified)

Very few people would demand JWH-018, a synthethic cannabinoid, if normal cannabis was legal.

@Anonynous coward: you should probably be aware that a good starting dose with JWH-018 is 2-5 mg. And I'm not kidding either. This is strong stuff, and quite cheap when bought in powder form (but harder to dose, obviously)

Thing is, as long as weed isn't legal, such things are just going to get worse. There are far more dangerous cannabinoids out there that are getting to resemble the potency more like LSD. So now people are allegedly working on making synthethic cannabinoid blotters or stamps. It will, of course, be a riot and sales will go up - not only can MMJ patients now bring some for their flights, but the stealth capability of synth. cannabinoids is not to be trifled with when the alternative is 10 years in prison and the loss of all of your property, wife and children.

Sun, 03/14/2010 - 6:14am Permalink
Chuck (not verified)

These 2 headlines are on the same page:

"Medical Marijuana Bill Introduced in Kansas on January 28, 2008"

"Prohibition: Kansas Becomes First State to Ban Synthetic Cannabinoid Blends Such As K2, Spice"

Does this not seem like a contradiction? Marijuana now, after decades of illegality has now been proven to have medicinal value and may even prevent cancer.

They're banning K2 because they don't know what it does? Is that a reason to ban anything? If it's banned, no one will be able to test it. Ever. It may be the cure to cancer, and it will never be known. Will it stop people from abusing drugs? Of course not. You're a fool if you believe that.

In highschool, I could find marijuanna WAY easier than I could find alcohol. Alcohol required me to prove my age, or find someone willing to buy it for me (which surprisingly, most people would not) - But Marijuana could readily be purchased from my friends and classmates on a weekly basis. I wouldn't have known what drugs where if it weren't for the D.A.R.E. program. I had no interest in such substances until someone told me "better not try it!" -- That just made me want to do it more, and so I did.

The more people you lock up for smoking plants, the less people can get jobs with criminal records. Then your tax dollars go back to those very same people in the form of welfare checks and food stamps. Wake up, you prohibitionists are CAUSING our drug problem.

If recreational drugs have no value, then ban tobacco and alcohol (both cause more deaths every year than all illicit drugs combined) - Otherwise, shut up and let people consume what they want to.

"Protect me from the protectors."

Mon, 06/28/2010 - 8:31pm Permalink

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