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Just another reason!
If this is coming from the source, then that is, all more, the reason to regulate and control the contents. As long as the criminals control the content of the bag, there can be no trust. Then again, the way it is now, they will still have plenty of people willing to risk their lives for a high!
Unless legal control is taken of the drugs, it will remain the same. I guess, it could get worse, if more users start dieing. But, then, we know the attitude towards that, as well. I guess some in society would see the "druggies" as rats in the gutter and not worth helping. Will it take a pandemic of user deaths to open their eyes?
If it is being done at the source, aren't those who traffic in cocaine cutting their own throats by sickening and even killing off their customers? What lucrative business (and we know the cocaine trade is lucrative) deliberately tries to kill their customers?
I'm pro-choice on EVERYTHING!
In reply to ?? by Moonrider (not verified)
It does not, all, fit in, does it? I would think it would be bad for the dealers! Maybe the dealers would classify that as "turnover"!?
It's the govt. duh...
The government/DEA/whoever are the ones bringing in and distributing it. Whatever their motives, tainting the supply seems logical. It creates fear and paranoia and it kills off the drug addicted, or at best cripples them with medical bills.
In reply to It's the govt. duh... by Anony mouse (not verified)
The problem I have with that is that it calls for another conspiracy theory! It makes us look like nuts, until it is a proven fact. No doubt, what you say could be true! Trouble is proving it!
To: It's the gov't
Anyone old enough to remember or saavy enough to research know what paraquat was and did to people might agree with you. I've always found that if I had suspicions about something, it has a high possibility of truth. But, whoever is doing this not out for repeat business. Now, I truthfully think that those who're distributing this babby coke aren't really concerned about killing off their repeat business or repeat bizness, just making paper.
So who done it, if not some nut balls in gov't playing God or some fruit sack selling bad crap to kill off those they deem as inferior or as a vengeance on whoever they want to frame, or just kill off as distributing a chemical weapon?
it's not just the "poors"
it's not just the "poors" dying now. dj am had levamisole in his system. both brittany murphy and corey haim had flu-like symptoms before their deaths. although casey johnson supposedly expired due to complications from diabetes, she, too, was a known cocaine user.
cocaine laced with levamisole
Can the symptoms ever be misread as mononucleosis ?
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