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Legalization: California Tax and Regulate Marijuana Initiative Hands in Signatures

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #618)
Drug War Issues

The Oakland-based activists behind the Tax and Regulate Cannabis 2010 California marijuana legalization initiative Thursday handed in more than 700,000 signatures Thursday at county courthouses across the state. That number is well in excess of the 434,000 valid signatures needed to place the measure on the November ballot.

Richard Lee (courtesy
Advanced by medical marijuana entrepreneur and Oaksterdam University founder Richard Lee, the initiative would allow adults over 21 to possess up to one ounce of marijuana and have a grow space of up to 25 square feet without fear of criminal penalty. By local option, counties or municipalities could choose to tax and regulate commercial marijuana production and sales.

The initiative is one of at least three legalization initiatives being circulated in California this year, but it is the best financed and the only one to turn in signatures yet. A legalization bill passed an Assembly committee vote earlier this month before dying for the session. An April Field poll found support for legalization in California at 56%.

In an afternoon conference call Thursday, Lee and initiative campaign chief consultant Doug Linney said they hoped to raise around $10 million for the coming months. "We're working with Blue State Digital, Obama's internet team," said Lee. "If we get a little bit from a lot of people, we can raise that amount."

"We hope to raise $10 to $15 million to get our message to the voters," said Linney. "Between the cannabis industry -- it is California's number one cash crop -- and the national appeal of a movement like this, we're confident we can generate that money."

Nearly 80,000 Californians were arrested on marijuana charges in 2008, nearly 80% of them for misdemeanor possession.


maxwood (not verified)

1. Depending on ratio of seeds and stems to siftable herb, you may get 800-1000 single 25-mg. tokes out of an ounce. Grind through 1/8" (#8-mesh) screening. Then shake ("Fraction #2.5: high quality") and grind ("#2.0") through mesh-#16 screening. Then shake both the above fractions in a mesh-#30 and unite the two fine fractions in a yellow container marked "#3: Kief" (packed with lots of golden trichomes). A tenth of the herb (say 2.5 mg.) may turn out to be kief, and you can semivaporize 250 tiny 10-mg. tokes in a 5-mm.-i.d. drawtube one-hitter.

Sat, 01/30/2010 - 6:15pm Permalink
mlang52 (not verified)

Ever been referred to as a troll? Your comments are getting boring. Got stock in vaporizers? Sell them? It sounds as though you have too much knowledge about them!

Sun, 01/31/2010 - 1:43pm Permalink
maxwood (not verified)

1. No stock in, haven't owned a vaporizer. 2007: Abrams et al. examined one $600 brand and found that it reduces toxins and eliminates carbon monoxide, a finding endorsed by St. Pierre and Gieringer.

2. Eliminating the power of the 2wackgo oligarchy to make money killing 6,000,000 poor pwffswckers a year with hot hurning overdose $igarettes is my main priority. Legalizing cannabis will de facto legalize vaporizers, e-cigarettes with THC in the cartridge, flexible drawtube one-hitters and other harm-reduction, doswage-regulation utensils which, if their use spills over into the tobackgo-using population, will doom the cash cow $igarette format now raking in a $trillion a year worldwide.

3. Are you loyal to hot burning overdose 500-mg. joint or wopuld you try a slow-suck 25-mg. serving in a one-hitter? M

Sun, 01/31/2010 - 6:31pm Permalink
mlang52 (not verified)

In reply to by maxwood (not verified)

After about six posts, like this, what you write looks more like insane ranting. Not that it is! You do have valid points. I just see them constantly, on here. We don't need to preach to the choir. We all know the risks of smoking anything compared to vaporizing it!

It will be like the boy who cried wolf. People will stop reading your posts! Overdoing anything can cause bad results.

Tue, 02/02/2010 - 3:34pm Permalink
maxwood (not verified)

1. Sorry what I wrote looked insane. Time was running out on the safe anonymous library computer in a city near you, and I didn't have time to erase the "wopuld" (wolf?) and the ominous looking "M" at the end.

2. If "we all know" about vaporizers why did hot burning $igarettes kill an estimated 50,000,000 in the last decade? Guess what: if Uncle Sam got a good deal on some e-cigarettes, say $50 each, and supplied them free to each of the 1.2 billion poor pwffswckers worldwide, it would cost only 3/10 of the $200 billion 1998 Tobackgo Settlement money, but the scourge would be decimated worldwide reducing the chance of reinfecting American youth from abroad.

3. This is all relevant to above-cited issue because Big Bad Ad-Wolf* nicotine $igarette indwstry dishes out campaign money to Republicans and other opponents of marijuana legalization.

*If it took ex-addict Adolf to invent the Big Lie, it took Pack-a-Day Goebbels to ADMINISTER the Big Lie! Goering owned a share in a cigar company. Himmler smoked two cigars every day.

Mon, 02/01/2010 - 9:41pm Permalink
mlang52 (not verified)

In reply to by maxwood (not verified)

I did not mean what you wrote looked insane! I was, also, not criticizing your spelling or typing abilities. Mine are no better!

It is the fact that so much of what you write is repeated over and over again. That looks like trolling, to me. (As you did in this response, AGAIN!) You are, still, preaching to the choir. Do you think the people on here are so stupid that they don't understand it after about three posts?

You could have answered my question with a simple, one line, response. Yet, you again go on your rant about big tobacco and hot burning devices. Your behavior, as such, is what is questionable. I am thinking of what newcomers that drop by and read the comments might see. Might they see it as ranting? But, this is a free country and if you want to go on preaching to us, with every post, you can feel free to do so! I don't imply any imposition on your literary prowess.

PS You make the the mistake of ASSUMING that all Republicans are prohibitionists! (ever hear of Ron Paul?) Great way alienate off supporters!

Tue, 02/02/2010 - 3:36pm Permalink
Jean Boyd (not verified)

to the Oakland based activists for this legalization Initiative. There will be hard times ahead but I surely believe that we have broken down the walls of the oppresive corporate run laws that incarcerate, humiliate, obliterate and alienate people who choose to use marijuana. Mlang52 and maxwood, I like both of your comments. I think it is just that there is only so much to be said about the current state of affairs regarding the war on drugs. I don't always understand maxwood's comments but I try to look it up or ask someone. What I would really like to know, maxwood is, what is a long-stem one-hitter?

Tue, 02/02/2010 - 3:44am Permalink
mlang52 (not verified)

In reply to by Jean Boyd (not verified)

I know what a one hitter is!! I just have not seen the long stem version.

Tue, 02/02/2010 - 3:19pm Permalink
maxwood (not verified)

1. If you slip a long flexible drawtube (like those on hookahs) over the butt end of the cigarette-sized "one-hitter" described in "Wikipedia:Dugout (smoking)" the advantages are (a) you can see what you are doing during lighting and avoid burning $$ unpreexvaporized THC, (b) the vapors have further distance to travel cooling off before inhalation.

(Catch 22: certain editors oppose presenting the suck-slow "semi-vaporizer" method in Wikipedia cannabis-related articles because there is no accredited source citation for it thus it is "original research". There is no source because the DEA won't let Dr. Craker et al. do the temperature experiment with real herb, different diameter of screened crater, etc.).

2. Maybe instead of "long stem one-hitter" "drawtube one-hitter" would help the public know what it is.

3. Certain Republicans are non-pro-tobacco, McCain quit a pack-a-day habit decades ago, Ron Paul is good, but for over 3 decades the Rep. party has been getting two-thirds of the tobacco campaign money (by far largest recipient in 2008 was "Crack down on pot" Giuliani) and in polls voting Republicans are double-digit more anti-cannabis legalization than Democrats.

4. permits describing a smoking procedure, or how to cheaply make microdosage equipment, as long as cannabis isn't mentioned-- the same narrow-crater smoking/vaporizing method works for any properly sifted herb from alfalfa, basil, camomile to wormwood, yarrow, zinnia.

If the above articles leave anything to be desired truthwise or technocraticly, visit wikiHow, sign in and edit, improve, provide photo or whatever else can be done to promote safe, mild 25-mg. single tokes.

Tue, 02/02/2010 - 6:48pm Permalink
mlang52 (not verified)

In reply to by maxwood (not verified)

Now that had a lot of good educational information!!

Sadly, Republicans need more thinking people, not just party drones! But, I think we could both agree, they can be re-educated! If they don't change their tune, their cries for fiscal responsibility will be seen as the hypocrisy it is!

Hey Republicans! Want to save money? Start decreasing prison populations, starting with non-violent drug users! I have not seen any major moves in California, along these lines, yet.

But, here in Illinois, they are crying about the fact that there is, already, high recidivism. Maybe because those people with the medical problem of addiction, are not cured while they are in prison! It, also, might be that, in choosing who to release, there were no considerations to, preferentially, releasing the non-violent! Maybe it was sabotaged from the get go!

Wed, 02/03/2010 - 12:52pm Permalink
Jean Boyd (not verified)

There is a lot to know about marijuana and since it has been kept a "secret" from the people, with research banned, I am very interested to know as much as possible. We have to go beyond the limited knowledge or impression that marijuana is a bad drug that teenagers use and get busted over. This small-minded image has lost it's appeal.
As far as drug users returning to old habits such as heroin or other substances, we could be offering Ibogaine as a drug interrupter. Most people who use ibogaine, report that all withdrawal symptoms disappear, as well as the cravings. But then again, it is illegal. At what point did the laws stop corresponding to what is ethical and correct. Most of the laws are wrong and yet we are expected to follow them. It does not make sense. When laws are "wrong", it is time for all, including police officers, to question authority and start helping people.

Thu, 02/04/2010 - 4:54pm Permalink

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