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corrupt cops
this is happening all over our states.the reason why we dont hear more of it is because weve got even more corrupt people hiding it.some of our worst people are those in office.oh-its ok for them or their family to do things.they get away with it.but let someone that isnt related or isnt friends with them do something against the law.i see it all the time here in my town.i say legalize marijuana.our country will be out of debt for sure.the herbal natural plant is alot safer to humans than harder drugs or alcohol or tobacco.marijuana has never killed or contributed to anyones death as it has with harder drugs,alcohol and tobacco.those are the things that you should worry about and make illegal."we the people" should be able to choose what we want to partake in.marijuana also has healing properties and other medical reasons for using it.thats why medical marijuana is legal in 13 states and counting.
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