More crooked jail guards, and a trooper who must have had a whopper of a habit. Let's get to it:

In Raleigh, North Carolina, a former Wake County Jail guard was arrested last weekend for selling drugs and providing a weapon to an inmate. Former guard Timothy Bullock, 26, faces six counts each of selling or delivering marijuana, conspiring to sell or deliver marijuana, and possession of marijuana with intent to sell or distribute. He will also face eight counts of providing drugs to an inmate. The offenses allegedly took place in April and May. Bullock quit his job in May. The inmate has also been arrested. Bullock was jailed on a $100,000 secured bond.
In Chattanooga, Tennessee, a Silverdale Detention Center guard was arrested Monday on charges of possessing drugs in a jail and inappropriate contact with inmates. Guard Sifrona Cotton, 31, was arrested by Hamilton County sheriff's deputies. Silverdale is a privately owned prison operated by Corrections Corporation of America.
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IQ Reguirement For Prison Guards Should Be As High As Inmates
Almost every week Prison Guards are reported "here" bringing illegal-drugs into detention facilities: the Guards don't appear very smart. I read years ago, that some state correctional systems having difficulty finding prison guards, lowered the IQ requirement on applicant' tests. It appears the IQ requirement to be a prison guard, should be at least the average IQ of the inmates they are guarding.
In reply to IQ Reguirement For Prison Guards Should Be As High As Inmates by Rwolf (not verified)
private prisons
Don`t you just love those private prisons!? How does drug prohibition affect the bottom line of Community Corrections Corporation? Feel like buying some stock do you? EVIL.
Cain't Keep Up With Da Joneses!
I simply do not understand while so many people are hostile to persons making between $8.00 and $15.00 an hour with limited benefits and risking getting beaten to Death on any Given Sunday copping a little graft on the side? Police officers do it, why not prison guards? Let's face it people, life in prison sucks, who wouldn't want a little heroin or pot or alcohol every once in a while? Imagine if it were YOU stuck serving a three year beef with no drugs or fun? Speaking of which I logged onto the guards Facebook page and she ain't half bad-looking, well really in jail who cares anyway? So let me get this straight, She's providing protection, drugs AND sex! Heck yeah where do i sign up for the free bed and cable T.V.? You know about the "weapon thing" come on, who hasn't had the experience where you're about to get gang raped in all holes and then beaten nearly to death because you didn't give up your vanilla pudding treat at dinner time to Jailhouse thugs? Bet you wished you had a caring, thoughtful, horny female guard before you got to the showers huh! When will Americans accept reality, your all criminals in some way just you haven't been caught yet. Go easy on our prison guards, you'll need a nice on too someday.
In reply to Cain't Keep Up With Da Joneses! by The Prison Gua… (not verified)
Screw prison guards
I have no sympathy for prison guards. They are the cogs that run the private prison industry, which has turned "the United States of America" into "the PRISON STATES OF AMERIKKA".
Private prisons lobby politicians for more convicts so they can make money. They then hire prison guards. Therefore, prison guards benefit from other people's misery. Prison guards may risk their lives, but they are also corrupt, sneaking in drugs and weapons to inmates.
A cop is a bully too stupid to be a politician. A prison guard is someone too stupid to be a cop.
In reply to Screw prison guards by DP63 (not verified)
your either an f**ing idiot or former inmate either way u r too stupid too be called a human. CCA is a joke, their company is a joke, they don't employee guards they employee day care pacify inmantes they give coke bucks and candy bars.....screw that...u messed up in society....Im with the Arizona Sheriff....make them wear pink and live outside...u dont deserve TV, movies, hot meals etc. you broke the law END OF STORY
The Sarah Silverman Project
sarah pulled over while driving
Cop: Do you know why I'm standing here mam?
Sarah: Because you got all C's in school?
best line ever!
Guards behind bars
"A cop is a bully too stupid to be a politician. A prison guard is someone too stupid to be a cop."... well said, anonymouse, except you need to realize that the bully cops are themselves too stupid to be cops, & must rely on the trickery they're taught in cop-school (such as, "how to make sure even your drugless little Granny won't pass sobriety tests".
"It appears the IQ requirement to be a prison guard, should be at least the average IQ of the inmates they are guarding." Rwolf, don't you realize that what sets them apart is that cops and jail/prison guards alike were smart enough to become guards before getting busted?
As an "old baby-boomer" I only found out approx. 5 years ago that there are more criminals, in politics & L.E. both, than behind any prison bars in this country. It isn't propaganda or something I learned by "reading someone else's opinion". It came by first-hand experience, after a false arrest that eventually brought out the FACT that the county 911 office (also police dispatch, of course) had a manager who colluded with at least 1 D.A. in falsifying recordings to exclude exculpatory evidence, so they could coerce wrongful guilty pleas and keep from having to pay out for all the false arrests their stupid cops were perpetrating.
I know the system is too rife with protection for cops (as strong as any mafia) to go after them, but with all these "great drug warriors" out there, why isn't somebody focusing in on jail and prison guards? They could make busts to last them a decade if they only put their energies there. Of course, then they'd have prisons full of ex-guards, and where would they find "straight" folk to guard the guards?
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