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Drug War Funds Terrorists
It's the war on drugs that make drugs illegal that are the basis for funding terrorists. As a result of the drug war, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban get about $500 billion a year in funding.
On the History Channel, Ben Laden said the US was paying him to do terrorists acts. And how is the US paying him? By making drugs and the non-drug cannabis illegal.
So it's the US government who is ensuring that terrorists have adequate funding. That's so the US government can instill fear into the American people.
Domestically grown and sold cannabis cuts into the money that the drug cartels would otherwise get if only drug cartel cannabis could be bought.
Legalize everything cannabis and the financial aid to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban would be significantly cut. That would severely limit the activities of terrorists.
â Thomas Jefferson
In reply to Drug War Funds Terrorists by David Dunn (not verified)
Thomas Jefferson also grew
Thomas Jefferson also grew marijuana in his private garden dickhead. Nice irony in that quote, huh?
Czar Press Conference
Maybe if you weren't smoking so much weed you would have had more time to check your facts. The press conference was JULY 12, not June 12. I think you may suffer from refer blindness! Nice reporting Chris Hanson!
In reply to Czar Press Conference by Anonymous (not verified)
'refer' blindness???
anon, that was pathetic.
In reply to Czar Press Conference by Anonymous (not verified)
Czar Press Conference
Must be nice to be so friggin perfect, huh, Anonymous?
Yea, everbody that mis-quotes a date must be high, ya know could be that you guys lie and make so many mis-leading statements, so fucking often who the heck can keep track of the dates . In other words if truth be told, were probably giving some full of crap speech to somebody on june 12 as well as july 12. Why don't you go rig (days of this crap are short also) an election somewhere?
"refer" blindness
Anonymous' post is typical straw man tactics. Using a wrongly posted date to imply that smoking reefer causes confusion and then misspells "reefer". That is an old tactic, one of many of the obfuscatory methods used by a crowd that refuses to engage in productive dialogue on the subject of recreational drug use. I am seventy years old and have not renewed my drivers license, do not own a car because I like an occasional beer or two and I know that my alcohol-induced confusion just might tempt me to climb behind a wheel. While I would not consider the reenactment of a new Volstead Act a wise move, more attention should be focused on ways to prevent drinkers from driving and use the drug war money on things that really matter, like new schools and an increase in teacher's pay.
Politicians; State Vermin. . .
Politicians, it seems to me, have this *thing* about booze; they think it's wonderful and want its blood-soaked monopolistic position to remain unaltered.
Marijuana has always been alcohol's biggest threat and Walters knows that only too well.
Fuck him and fuck all who think like him! 'Better for everyone if they'd never been born!
If the stupid anonymous 12.17 had a few tokes he'd be less of an asshole.
I fucking hate ignorant morons like him. 'Hope he likes hospital food, in case I'm unlucky enough to ever meet him.
Yeah. . .
I'd like to bump into him, too; at about 80mph.VOXRET
stupid czar / stupid reaction to anonymous
Obviously growers aren't terrorists and they aren't going to help terrorists kill people, but it is fucked up to grow on public land, its bad for the enviroment and its not your land. Of course they wouldnt grow it there if it were legal. That said I would still like to know that my weed was'nt grown on public land. So ya czar is right about the criminal thing and not just because of the drug laws. But dead wrong on violent terrorists.
The response the the earlier, stupid an nitpicking post about the date was stupid. When some one is an idiot and trys to insinuate your a dumb stoner because you made a typo its best to ignore him and hope he goes away I dont think threatining hims a great idea.
comprimising the situation
Why are some of you people out there so against marijuana. Alcohol is surely a worse drug. First, your control of all skills are either disbanded or your brain kicks into a mode where your discussions and actions are not thought over at all. I mean come on , people get drunk,and now at this point, you can't stand them. Then all of a sudden their screaming and gettin` completely out of control.\Have you ever seen a stoned ass m-fer get angry out of controland so defensive to every word you speak? I have'nt, marijuana is not a depressant like alcohol. And unlike alcohol, marijuana usually has the same effect on everyone: symptoms; hungery,happy, and sleepy! Finally, to directly follow all of the criticism/oppinions anyone else may see or feel about marijuana,\ especially for medical use. Put yourself in their ill position. Would'nt you be grateful that there was something to ease your mind and kill your pain? Put yourself in the shoes of the suffering ones before you become part of the crowd who lies behind hypocrisy. When you have a head ache do you not take asprin or tylenol to make yourself feel better? Everyone has ther own life to live. Everyone has their own way of dealing with their complications, and the last thing we need on our mind is worrying about what the next person feels about them or how they cope with each passing moment!
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