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Since last issue:
Scott Morgan opines on: "FOX News Says Marijuana Will Eat Your Soul," "The Feds Are Giving Themselves New Drug War Powers," "Sharks Filled With Cocaine!!!," "How Many Innocent People Are in Jail on Drug Charges?," "Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Are Coming to Rhode Island," "'Tough on Drugs' Politics Just Aren't as Popular Anymore" and "An Embarrassing Interview with the Drug Czar."
David Borden makes note of: "Video: Milton Friedman on Marijuana Legalization," "Video: Crack Sentencing Reform Petition Delivered to Congress -- Former Prisoners, Family Members and Advocates Speak Out" and "Video on Abuse of the Environment -- and of People -- in Colombia's Drug War, from 'Witness for Peace.'"
David Guard posts numerous press releases, action alerts and other organizational announcements in the In the Trenches blog.
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husband set up by undercover my husband no the only one
Who will be the voice for the innocent people set up by crooked police and when will it end. my husband is a black male who is 5'10 and bald all the buy sheets and information are described in black and white as a description of a black male with hair who is 6'2 and 3 totally different descriptions on the other sheets. which is totally crazy because the jury believed the lieing police and they even admitted forging documents and the judge did nothing. i contacted higher officials and there is an investigation on everyone involved. I really hope that they find this corruption and reveal it to all the public. we are talking about a county that the mayor and chief of polie was arrested in the past five years on felony charges. doesnt that tell you something. not to mention oh the undercover trooper that testified at four trials that drug transactions took place well she decided to end her life a week after trial. go figure or so they say. who knows what they are hiding. or if she really did take her life. maybe she wanted to blow the whistle after she put four men including my husband away for 12 years all of them with families and kids. again who will be the voice for the innocent. thats what i want to call my website. the voice for the innocent and help other families. these small towns are corrupt cops with a vengence when a black man comes into a all white territory. the sargeant even stated that another black man off the streets let get em all.
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