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One more made-up crime
If setting up a drug deal is a crime, why do cops get away with it? Don't they have more important things to do than create even more reasons to put even more of in prison? Like, oh, I don't know, like, protecting us or something?
"Attempt to possess." "Conspiracy to possess" "Conspiracy to sell." "Intent to sell." Conspiracy to possess with intent to sell." Attempt to possess with intent to sell." And now we can "facilitate the conspiracy to attempt to possess with intent to sell." How cool!
What did we ever find to do with our time before Big Brother created all these crimes for us to commit? Oh, yeah, we all had jobs and homes and families.
Haw, haw, haw! The cops take it in the shorts (again), and no, they don't have anything better to do. Life has taught me that when others make trouble for me they usually have too much time and money on their hands...
The Control (of Some) Substances Act remains illegal...
The 'Control (of Some) Substances Act' remains illegal... and should continue to be ignored... if not repealed immediately.
Then, when the time is right, we'll apprehend the terrorists responsible for these high crimes and punish them accordingly.
police dealers
The Fremont, CA police department goes out on the streets and gives away, and sell drugs, to the public.
I had a snitch do this to me to get him less time. Same scam.
He used cops to roll all over me for a weed deal, which is legal
today. I ended up making a plea with a pretty weak and crooked
attorney. Snitch got 7 years anyway for hawking meth. I walked
but is sure caused grief in my life. This form of bust should be
totally illegal. Guy kept calling and calling and calling pestering
me until I fianlly said Ok, sure whatcha want. Turned out he was
just a snitch. No justice in the justice system.
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