There will be no relief for Iowa patients who could have been helped by medical marijuana. A bill that would have legalized the medicinal use of marijuana in the Hawkeye State died last week, after it failed to get reported out of committee in time for a legislative deadline.
Introduced by state Sen. Joe Bolkcom (D-Iowa City), SF 293 would have allowed patients with qualifying medical conditions to use medical marijuana upon a doctor's recommendation and registration with the state. The bill would also have provided for the creation of "compassion centers," which could produce medical marijuana for numerous patients.
"The bill is essentially an attempt to address the suffering that people are in," Bolkcom said during a hearing last week. "People with severe medical conditions are not being helped by conventional medications. Studies have found that marijuana is an effective treatment."
But Sen. Merlin Bartz (R-Grafton) said that while he supported the notion of medical marijuana, he thought the bill lacked "correct checks and balances." Bolkcom agreed that the bill was perhaps not perfect, but vowed to return to the issue in coming years.
The Upper Midwest has so far remained immune to the lure of medical marijuana, with the closest medical marijuana states being Michigan to the east and Montana to the west. But that could change this year. Although South Dakota legislators killed a bill last month, legislative efforts in Minnesota and Illinois are still moving ahead.
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A little slow.
The good folks of Iowa have always been a little slow, it took until July 4th 1963, to get legal booze by the drink. Then it was led by a sober drunk, who pointed out that it was being done everywhere so legalization was a better way. Now if one listens to the fat butt politics, one would think the war on drugs have been won. However I might point out one thing, like booze, drugs are being sold everywhere, and by criminals. So to all of my fellow Iowans, stop supporting an ongoing criminal enterprise. Demand the crappy officials either legalize it or put a stop to the drugs getting into our towns. The present policy neither works, nor protects anyone except criminals
Yes, a prescription med for my stomach gave me a movement disorder called Tardive Dyskenisia. It is hidious to see not to mention the pain is excruciating and relentless. Cannabis for my appetite HAS NEVER HURT ME.
In reply to POISONED BEYOND REPAIR by Anonymous (not verified)
You are not alone!
The sad point to your comment is that there are many thousands of patients like you, that are the victims of adverse drug reactions, like this, every year. Some drug reactions are fatal! Yet, not one drug reaction or overdose, reported, from cannabis. They have no reason for continuing this charade!
They will come around eventually
There is a strong element of social conservatism in Iowa, but on the whole i think that once more people get out and actively talk to their legislators, then we will see a change. Most Iowans are pretty pragmatic and, given a chance to see how useful a medicine cannabis is, then they will agree. It's up to those thousands of silent cannabis users to get out there and protest, inform, and strike up intelligent dialog first though.
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