This article was produced in collaboration with AlterNet and first appeared here.
A demonstration headed by the DC Cannabis Campaign and Weed for Warriors is set for the White House Friday after the Obama administration failed to respond to the groups' requests for "higher level consultations" following an initial meeting with White House staffers last month.
Weed for Warriors is a group dedicated to working with the Veterans Administration to ensure that vets "have the freedom to use medical marijuana as a recognized medical alternative to harmful psychiatric drugs."
Organizers are saying the event won't be a smoke-in, but it will come close. "This will be an unpermitted event with mass cannabis consumption and escalated civil disobedience," demonstration promotional materials say.
"Support veterans risking arrest!" the groups say. "They will lead a mass die-in calling for an end to the war on drugs."
The groups are calling on the Obama administration to deschedule -- not reschedule -- marijuana before the president leaves office in January. But they are also clear that the ultimate goal is ending prohibition.
"You should understand our protests are not just for medical research into cannabis, but ending cannabis prohibition once and for all," the DC Cannabis Campaign said in its letter to the White House earlier this month. "You have the opportunity to heal the national wound of unjust cannabis policies that have always targeted minorities, hurt patients and corrupted policing in America for nearly 80 years."
The date, May 20, is no accident. It's the birthday of arch-prohibitionist Harry J. Anslinger, who, as head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics for decades in the mid-20th Century, was a founding father of the modern war on drugs. The protestors note that Anslinger built support for pot prohibition by resorting to racist and xenophobic justifications, as Anslinger's own words make clear:
"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others."
"… the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races."
"Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death."
"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."
"Marijuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing."
"You smoke a joint and youre likely to kill your brother."
"Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind."
The bigotry and racism behind Anslinger's attack on marijuana have remained embedded in prohibition, with black people being arrested at a rate nearly four times that of whites. And five million people have been arrested on marijuana charges since President Obama has been in office -- nearly 90% of them for simple possession.
"Given the compelling and staggering facts as to why these failed cannabis policies harm Americans, we are sure you can understand why we cannot tolerate your inaction on these important issues any longer," the groups said in their letter to the White House. "We simply cannot stand on the sidelines and watch while everyday more Americans are harmed by what is clearly racist and unconstitutional failed drug policies. This is why we are requesting a formal response regarding the above from your administration before May 20th."
That formal response didn't happen, so Friday's demonstration at the White House is happening.
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Prohibs need to have Anslinger's racism shoved in their faces
No matter how many times I read these quotes, they never lose their power to shock and outrage. If Obama isn't aware of them, he needs to be, along with all the other pols standing in the way of progress.
And now Trump
Given Trump's blatant racism, sexism, etc. it makes me, as a "progressive", amazed we ever achieve anything in the face of such intransigent malice. Bill Maher is right: don't take these recent string of reform victories for granted; they must be actively protected and nurtured and furthered, because things can turn to shit in a heartbeat!
President Obama could have been arrested for possession
If President Obama had been caught with cannibis, he would have never had ANY chance at becoming president. I got possession charges when i was in my early twenties, and even now, almost 15 years later, it makes it very tough for me to get a job. I have 2 kids. I have dont have the luxury of leaving my job and finding something better as much as many of my neighbors.
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