Another week, another sticky-fingered cop, another cop protecting dealers, and another jailer smuggling dope. Let's get to it:

In Covington, Georgia, a Covington police officer was arrested last Wednesday on charges he stole a motorcycle that had been seized in a 2011 drug bust. Alex Laudermilk, who has now been fired, went down after an anonymous tipster reported that he was in possession of the bike, which had been seized by the DeKalb County Police Department. Laudermilk was working for that agency at the time the bike was seized.
In Lafayette, Louisiana, a Lafayette sheriff's deputy was arrested last Thursday after investigators found he was smuggling drugs into the jail. Deputy Tyler Bonnet is charged with malfeasance in office, distribution of Schedule I narcotics, and taking contraband to or from a prison. At last report, he was in jail at his place of employment, trying to make a $25,000 bond.
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tip of the iceberg
Could be the attorney general of pennsylvania Kathleen Kane hit the tip of the iceberg in the email porn thing. "The Network" (of corrupt legal law persons) panicked when they realized that her discovery may uncover the existence of the network and the depths of corruption. They acted to pull her license to practice to halt the investigation in it's tracks! What she might have discovered also is all the drug business involved and the amount of included organized crime and mexican cartels participation. When you look at the larger picture of corruption you might see a coast-to-coast operation.
you need to make more information about tyler bonnet. this didnt give me enough information to do my project.
What's worse is that even
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