A Pennsylvania poll shows the state evenly split on marijuana legalization, Massachusetts medical marijuana sales increase as a new dispensary comes online, the Horizons psychedelics conference is this weekend in New York City, and more.

Pennsylvania Poll Shows State Split On Legalization. A new Quinnipiac University poll has support for legalization at 47%, with 49% opposed. Given the poll's margin of error, voters are evenly split. There is no such divide when it comes to medical marijuana: 90% of respondents were okay with that. Click on the link for more poll details and methodology.
Wyoming Legislators Prepare Marijuana Reform Bills. Even in the Cowboy State, solons are moving to lighten up on weed. With the legislative session starting in February, bills are already being proposed to decriminalize possession, allow for reciprocity with medical marijuana states (meaning patient travelers from those states could pass through Wyoming without fear of arrest), and allow the use of CBD cannabis oil.
Medical Marijuana
Massachusetts Sales Climb as More Dispensaries Open. Medical marijuana patients purchased some 1,676 ounces of marijuana in September, up from the 1,488 ounces sold in August. The increase comes as the state's second dispensary opens in Brockton. Click on the link for more details.
Missouri Medical Marijuana Initiative Filed. Show-Me State activists under the aegis of New Approach Missouri Thursday filed a pair of initiatives aimed at legalizing medical marijuana. The group has about $70,000 in the bank and needs to gather some 160,000 valid voter signatures to qualify for the November 2016 ballot.
Horizons Psychedelics Conference in New York City This Weekend. The ninth annual Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics conference will be held at the Cooper Union and The New School in New York City on October 10th and 11th. Horizons focuses on state-of-the-art research into the wide range of applications for psychedelics, providing an invaluable forum for experts and interested others to share ideas and insights, and to rethink the future of these unique substances in science, medicine, culture, and history. This year, researchers, scholars, and practitioners from the United States, England and Brazil will present new research and insights in neuroscience, end-of-life anxiety, PTSD, substance abuse/addiction, recreational use, public policy, activism, and more. Click on the link for more details.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
im not sure that ecstacy is officially a psychedlic though it seems to always be in the category when psychadelics are talked about... I just want to say that the substance needs way more attention and way more proponents to fully legalize it or at the least bring it back to its original position as a prescribable drug for psychiatric reasons.
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