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Since last issue:
Scott Morgan writes: "The Drug Czar's Blog Should be Used for Good Instead of Evil," "White House Says Medical Marijuana Raids Will End," "Michael Phelps Faces Possible Prosecution for Bong Hit," "Ryan Frederick Found Guilty of Voluntary Manslaughter," "The Killing of Cheye Calvo's Dogs is a Story That Won't Go Away," "Ryan Frederick Trial Goes to the Jury," "Medical Marijuana Raids Continue, Time for Action from Obama," "Support for Marijuana Legalization is Growing in America," "The Bong Hit Heard Around the World," "What Happened to the Drug Czar's Blog?"
David Borden links and comments in: "Joe Biden's Drug Policy Record -- a Review," "Medical Marijuana Research Has Taken a New Direction This Century," "Gwinnett County Georgia SWAT Team Blowing It Big Time," "The Drug War's Dangerous Distortion of Medical Standards."
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Fu*k the DEA.
Drugs are not the problem, the war on drugs, is the problem.
The DEA is a government sponsored terrorist cell operating, and training right here in Amerika.
This organization is the equivalent of Hitlers storm troopers, only worse.
When a "law" causes more harm to the citizens, than it prevents, and nothing is done to correct this crime against Amerika, it just goes to show how bad American government has gotten in the past 10 years or so.
Our forefathers were right, they gave us the right, and duty, to remove a tyrannous government, and replace it, that's why they gave us the right to bear arms, that's why they said the government cant use the military against the people.
SWAT is militarily trained, equipped, supported, and funded to a point. That's the same god damned thing.
FU*CK ME SILLY, The Constitution is effectively null and void, thanks to the "patriot act", and "asset forfeiture" laws.
The US government can now seize your house, car, bank accounts, all property, and don't need a warrant, or have to charge you with anything, or let you talk to a lawyer, they can torture you, and even make you "disappear".
How scary is that? Basically, we have no rights anymore.
When the government is no longer accountable to the people, the people can no longer defend themselves from the government.
The United States is a terrorist nation, we cant deny it, our government is out of control with corruption, greed, personal interests, and conspiracy.
They haven't done one god damned good thing for the country for at least 8 years, or more, the damage they have done will never be fixed, it will just lead to more corruption, less rights, more deaths by the government, and probably another civil war. They seem to like war, lets bring them one, right into their own fu*cking offices, and chambers of evil.
Bush said the axis of evil was the middle east, he was wrong, the axis of evil is in Washington D.C., more precisely, the oval office of the president.
I've lived 51 years of my life in Amerika, and each one is worse than the previous one, and lately they've been getting worse on an exponential scale. The last 8 years, I think finished her off.
Between the "supreme" court, and congress, and the senate, Amerika as we knew it is gone, Al-Quida won. We're just a quivering blob of fear, and thank Beelzebub we have the government to protect us. Even if we didn't ask for "protection" we got it, but, there's an ulterior motive for all this protection, and it aint to protect the people.
To be honest, I fear our own government more than the taliban, or drug dealers. And I have good reason to.
When the government uses military tactics on civilians, to "protect", they're misguided at the least.
Drugs are not the problem, the war on drugs, is the problem.
That's all we get from the government, lies, and more lies.
The war on drugs is one great big lie, it's based on lies, it perpetuates lies, it lies about statistics, it covers up legitimate study findings, while lying about it's own. In fact it's in the job description of the "head liar", to lie, to, at all cost, make it look like the "war on drugs" is a worthwhile cause and the battle is being won, and drugs are 'bad", all lies, every word that comes from the DEA is a LIE .
Ya know, I raised my kids on, lying, and stealing is a bad thing to do, and good people don't do that kind of stuff. One day, years back, my son came home from school and just pops off with, "at school they're telling us a bunch of crap about drugs, that we all know isn't true, Did I mention that I never hid my herbage consumption from my kids, I didn't intentionally do it right in front of them, but if they walked in while I was partaking, I didn't jump and hide stuff from them, they knew what was going on, they're mom don't smoke, and they know that too. But anyway, to go on, none of my kids do any drugs, and don't say, "how do you know, kids don't tell their parents when they do drugs", No, they don't, as a rule, but we have an open relationship, my kids know my views on life, and know if they have a problem, I'm the goto guy. And my son is 32 now, and still don't do drugs, he's tried them but didn't like it, and even asked me what I get out f it, and I tell him it's just my god given right, and he understands where I'm coming from.
So, now I have to brag about my daughter, (1 of 2) who's in Iraq, fighting "bush's lie war", I'm proud as hell, but at the same time disappointed that she made that decision. I try not to let her catch too much of my wrath about her boss, after all she thinks she's doing the "right" thing, who am I to say otherwise. She even knows the only reason any of them are there is cause the federal reserve wants them there, not to "protect" Amerika, but to provide vast amounts of interest to the ones that screwed Amerika in the first place.
And no, I don't think terrorists did 911, the government, along with some others, planned and carried out that inhuman deed.
In fact I know in my heart of hearts that bush knew all about it. First clue, when the secret service came to tell him the world trade center has just been hit, and then turned and left. Aren't they supposed to protect the president at all cost, shouldn't they have had their guns drawn, and whisked the prez away to an "undisclosed location". Instead of letting him finish the story? I mean, REALLY. And, the look on his mug after being told, he barely raised an eye brow. If I were prez, I would have been out that door before the SS guy. He didn't even look at his watch. And, strange the owner of the towers, increased the insurance policy, and added "acts of terrorism" a month before 911, and that no one mentions, he was losing tons of money because of vacancy's in the buildings. And the pentagon, jet fuel doesn't/can't burn hot enough to 'vaporize" titanium engine parts, which is what "investigators" are spewing. A huge load of crap is what the American people got, and some are believing that load. The ex head guy at NIST that did the testing on the steel, said it was all compromised, and the findings were wrong, but published anyway.
And my favorite part, more money was spent on the Clinton investigation, than the 911 report. I can't figure that one out.
There couldn't have been that many witness's in that bathroom.
If god were gonna give the world an enima, he'd do it right in
Drugs are not the problem, the war on drugs, is the problem.
The USA hole. Our government has become the sleaziest piece of crap n the planet. I don't even want to be an Amerikan anymore, this place disgusts me, well, the government disgusts me. all they do is lie, cover lies, break the law, make little bull shit "legal options", yeah, that's a new term, means the government can break any law they want, and the legal, bull sludge, they sling around, makes it seem like they're not committing a major crime. What a load of shit.
I just read an article that said charges weren't going to be filed against the CIA people that blatantly broke the law, under an illegal "legal options" scam that the "justice dept." made just for them.
When the justice dept. makes clauses to commit crimes, and the CIA follows those those illegal "legal options", the whole lot of them needs to be in prison. That's the worst of the worst, when our 'legal" system just "assumes power" to circumvent the laws of this land, why have laws, oh yeah that's right, to keep the people oppressed.
Our 'legal system" has completely decomposed into anarchy, laws, right's, common sense are all meaningless.
We're doomed.
Because, the only thing that can fix the remains of our government, is the government, we the people can't do anything anymore, it's too late, the beast has grown too big, and has developed regenerative, and self sustaining powers, it feeds on the weak. Our only option is to wait till it runs out of food. We have a tyrant ruling us now, which is worse than a dictator.
The Nazi party, I believe is the model we're following, total power over the people, soon they will be having/making us build our own prisons, and using thermal depolymerization to make heating oil, and gasoline. The process makes 8 gallons of oil from a 175 lb. person. See, who says the government isn't looking into alternative fuel sources.
(JD) Wow, that was harsh, but I can relate...
Fact: Those who never intend to do it, never will.
Fact: Those who are curious about it, will seek the truth, or an acceptable lie.
Fact: Those who want to do it, will do it, no matter what is said.
Fact: A majority of the population of the world is smart, and falls into the "Curious seeker", or "Just do it", groups. The majority of the "Never will", also "Don't care", as long as, "It's not in my back yard".
Fact: There is not one "Harmless" element or "Compound", and everything is made from those. "Drug", is a man-made word, with no real definition, that is medically, scientifically, socially, or religiously accepted.
Fact: There are over 10,000 users, for every 1 drug enforcement officer. Roughly the same numbers for the other government officials in each group.
Fact: We pay, when the government takes those houses and cars, which had loans on them, and the loan was dumped, in the name of the law. Our rates go up and our banks have less money to pay us back.
Fact: The opposition, being smaller and now with less money, can not afford to continue funding the guy with the scissors who is cutting holes in the pockets of the funders.
Fact: Now it is millions loosing jobs, as a result of your, "Drug free America", which is as realistic as a, "Every-one's rich America". It is a conundrum.
Fact: If it does not become legal, and regulated, it will eventually turn into a real war. That has already been established by the majority, of all nations.
But what do I know? I am just your average X-user, with a love for google, and a lot of time on my hands.
Did I read what I think i did?
Okay, I'm pretty hard on our poor ol' STUPID government, I'll be the first to admit it.
Ha, see I already got more balls than the government, well I'll admit when I'm wrong.
So, okay, I'm reading this web page, its called 'serendippity" or something like that, real informative.
So, anyways, this site puts forth the idea, that, the whole "war on drugs" is a complete sham, to drive the prices up, or at least keep them up. All the while the feds are the ones controlling the import of most of the drugs that they bust people for, so they make big bucks coming, and they make big bucks going. The CIA is at the head of this government sponsored drug ring, surprise !
Now, it's starting to make sense.
When stupid goes beyond stupid
I learned, while growing up, that there is no such thing as a stupid question.I beg to differ. But going on that philosophy, leads me to wonder, that, if questions can't be stupid, where does the stupid come from?
Oh, shut up.
Then my observations of our government began to shine he light. PEOPLE. That's it. And I've known lots. shut up.
We call ourselves "intelligent beings", I thought about that for a second, then hit the floor laughing, till it hurt, damn it.
Here's the hard part, "we" have to be the stupidest life form that ever crawled out of the slime. Seriously.
But our government, bless their pointed little heads, don't even register. Take a rock for example, rocks don't start wars, they don't destroy their only means of survival, they don't form governments, they've been here long before us, and will be long after.
They don't waste resources, and don't talk back.
What is it that makes them so smart, compared to us?
Then, I thought about the concept of stupid, do stupid people know they're stupid? I believe the answer is, no.
And, stupid people can learn, they don't have to be stupid forever, and once they figure that out, miracles can happen.
Is stupidity a choice? Or is there a great cosmic ratio, of limit? Is there a finite amount of stupid, does it control it's own distribution, or spread uncontrolled? Is it contagious, are there dangerous exposure limits. Do people make a conscious decision to be stupid, or are they just stricken.
I guess what I'm getting at is, why do they all end up in government?
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