Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
Prominent pain patient advocate and Pain Relief Network founder Siobhan Reynolds, 50, was killed in a plane crash on Christmas Eve day. She was one of three people aboard a small private plane attempting to land at an Ohio airport that afternoon. The plane missed the runway and instead crashed on a parallel road, killing all aboard.

But Reynolds turned her personal tragedy into activism of the highest sort, founding the Pain Relief Network to advocate for an effective response to the under-treatment of pain in this county. She was present for the trial of Northern Virginia pain management pioneer Dr. William Hurwitz, a trial I attended and where we first met. Hurwitz was convicted of being a drug dealer and imprisoned, an injustice that only deepened Reynolds' fire for justice.
She and the Pain Relief Network played a central role in winning freedom for Richard Paey, the wheelchair-bound pain patient sentenced to 25 years in state prison, and that was just one of her many interventions in the DEA's war pain doctors. Where the DEA saw only "pill mills" and Dr. Feelgoods, Reynolds saw the effectiveness with which high-dose opioid theory brought relief to suffering people.
Her feisty and tireless advocacy brought her into direct conflict with the DEA and federal prosecutors, most notably in the case of Kansas pain clinic owner Dr. Steven Scheider, who was charged with over-prescribing pain pills, and his wife, Linda, a nurse who was charged along with him. When Reynolds set up shop in Kansas to publicize the case and the issues and lend support to the Schneiders, Assistant US Attorney Tanya Treadway opened a criminal investigation into Reynolds and the Pain Relief Network, seeking, among other things, all of Reynolds' email, phone records, and other communications with doctors, patients, and attorneys.
As always, Reynolds fought back against the feds, and, in a shameful episode in American jurisprudence, she lost -- and worse. Not only was she forced to comply with Treadway's subpoena, but Treadway and the federal courts conspired to hide the whole sordid episode from public view. The ruling in the case has never been published, nor are the briefs available for scrutiny. Reynolds was even barred from sharing the briefs she submitted with the press.
That ruling was the last straw for the Pain Relief Network, which Reynolds announced was being dissolved a year ago. But not for Reynolds. I spoke with her earlier this year, and she was planning to form another pain advocacy organization. It is our loss that she never got the chance.
Siobhan Reynolds wasn't always easy to work with because she was a true believer in her issue. She was impatient with potential allies who were not willing to go as far as she was, whether they were physicians groups or academics or drug reformers. She wanted the Controlled Substances Act abolished as an abomination, and if you weren't ready to go there, she didn't really want to waste her time with you. But sometimes a movement needs a determined, fiery-eyed idealist. Siobhan Reynolds was that person for the movement against the under-treatment of chronic pain.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Siobhan AND her lawyer die
Siobhan AND her lawyer die in a plane crash? Kevin was one of the most careful pilots I have come across after 13 years as an Air Traffic Controller and ATC Instructor. Clear day and moderate crosswinds at the airport of intended landing. Sure,I'm biased, but nothing about this feels right. I knew her briefly and was overwhelmed with her strength of character and determination. Anybody with ties to Siobhan would be welcome to contact me. Be well.
In reply to Siobhan AND her lawyer die by Rick (not verified)
I agree, Rick - it stinks. The PRN website (the old one, on the Web, not just on the Net) is still active, if barely. Another Administrator and I tried like hell to get it going again, but it's just been limping along with lots of Pakistani "Ugg boots" salespeople and two or three new members. I was a member and moderator for a couple of years there, while I was caring for a dying wife. I've been a chronic pain patient for 29 years. I'd be glad to talk with you. Sign in there, I guess, and we'll get together.
In reply to Siobhan by Ian MacLeod (not verified)
I want to help!!
In reply to Siobhan AND her lawyer die by Rick (not verified)
Rick: please contact me offline at [email protected]
In reply to Siobhan AND her lawyer die by Rick (not verified)
Dear Rick: Please contact me offline at [email protected]
In reply to Siobhan AND her lawyer die by Rick (not verified)
looking to pick things up where Reynolds left off
In reply to looking to pick things up where Reynolds left off by Kara Rowe (not verified)
forgot my email
In reply to looking to pick things up where Reynolds left off by Kara Rowe (not verified)
The answer is not to start
The answer is not to start yet another group or Facebook page, but rather to unite the thousands of groups already formed for the same reason!
Smells to high heaven...
another hit job in the war against drugs. Suspicious as hell.
In reply to Smells to high heaven... by belle (not verified)
something is certainly rotten in Denmark!
It sounds like her death was planned. The DEA had to have a hand in it. They are already starting their suicide warfare to win the war on drugs
How come conservatives never
How come conservatives never die in plane crashes? Anyone else wondering that?
this poor woman had POWERFUL enemies
Suspicious crash in flight nurse's opinion
You guys are as bad as the black-helicopter folks . . . .
You really think the goobermint is that interested in this petty rabble-rouser as to commit murder to silence her?
What a bunch of malarkey!
Get a life!
In reply to You guys are as bad as the black-helicopter folks . . . . by ImnotaTanyaFan (not verified)
Oh, Yes! The DEA has declared war on law-abiding US citizens who use and NEED pain medications to get through the day! They have caused many patients (seniors included) to go through the TORTURE of abrupt detox because they cannot obtain their legal pain medications. They can't win against the criminals, so they are attacking the most weak and vulnerable citizens. Not that much different than the government of Syria attacking their citizens. And they seem to have been able to shut the media up, too!
By the way, I had a life until August 3, 2012 when I was denied my prescribed pain meds that I have used to keep my life for the past 10 years with no problems!! I am a law-abiding senior citizen, NOT A DRUG ABUSER, CRIMINAL OR THREAT TO MY COUNTRY!!!
In reply to Siobhan by DEA victim (not verified)
My cutoff date was January 11, 2013 after 25+ years of successful pain maintenance at the same doseage level, building and running a successful business, training a nephew and a grand nephew to take over upon my retirement. I am a U.S. Army veteran (Regular, not draftee) and have been a law abiding citizen my entire life. Now, due to my Dr's understandable fear of prosecution and asset forfeiture, I must figure out a way to continue to function, as best as I may, without the pain mitigation which has allowed me to function, build and maintain my business for a quarter of a century in spite of a veritable "laundry list" of injuries incurred in my trade, sports, traffic accidents and the the aggrevation of all these brought on by old age (70 is too much closer than 65 for my liking). When I recall the oath I took upon enlisting, a half a century ago, and what I now see happening, my gorge rises. My condolences to you, sir.
In reply to Second by Anonymous2 (not verified)
willing to get a lawsuit together??
anyone interested in getting a lawsuit together against the D.E.A. for humanright violations, ??,,,[email protected]
In reply to Siobhan by DEA victim (not verified)
My current Dr. verified a few months ago he received a letter from DEA said he had to cut meds. Contacted my Fed Rep and he said they implied they had no authority to cut meds, but FDA did because of acetomiphine. My meds were cut again without my knowledge and I am forced into a six day detox. Let me tell you it is no picnic.
In reply to You guys are as bad as the black-helicopter folks . . . . by ImnotaTanyaFan (not verified)
hmm.. tanya fan. hmm..naive response
hello tanya fan the folks in the g o v , after years of making fun of the "whack jobs" , have admitted that, ....
----- wait for it... wait for it.... they helicopters in their operations ... that are painted semi flat black and equipment includes but is not limited to Noise Canceling systems and infrared radar. oh yeah did i mention that they are painted Flat Black. if you enjoy your freedoms. you can't put your head in the sand and call someone a nut case for voicing a possibility that some, even in the government has gone too far in the name of one thing or another. after all there are literally Millions of people working in government. it is dangerously naive to assume this sort of thing can't or doesn't happen from time to time. as you offered the author of the last comment the invitation to a Life and a hug. I will offer you an education and a hug as well not meant to anger anyone just open a somewhat closed mind. if you think that the scenario laid out in that comment is Not possible, May I recommend a great stock broker. his name is Bernie Madoff, he's a consultant to the SEC he makes a steady 20 % return on all of your investments. Plus he works with the government, He Must be honest. do you see my point here?
oh yes your name implies that you are a fan of the woman that prosecuted the Dr. involved in the plane crash?
same Tanya ? just wondering.
Better Days....
In reply to You guys are as bad as the black-helicopter folks . . . . by ImnotaTanyaFan (not verified)
Stupid remarks
Conspiracy theories are crap. However...
R.I.P. Siobhan a true hero!!!
i am so glad i knew this woman briefly....i have house-sat and took care of her and kevins animals while they were gone on this trip.....we sadly and reluctantly had to leave the day b4 xmas eve when she and kevin were returning home cause of ride issues....and we (my girl crissi and i) were so pissed that we couldnt be there to see them b4 we went home....but if we woulda stayed we wouldnt have seen them anyway because the govt silenced her for good!!! this smells of the awful and evil that she was fighting....till her death which was a tragedy!!! xmas has never been the same for me since!!....i cryed for her this xmas!!!
Gee, you think they murdered her? Sure they did.
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