Florida's Amendment 2 medical marijuana initiative was defeated in today's election, even though it won a majority of votes. Because it is a constitutional amendment, the initiative needed 60% of the vote to be approved.

The Amendment 2 campaign was run by United for Care/People United for Medical Marijuana, which spent more than $6 million. Its most prominent figure was attorney John Morgan, a well-known Florida political figure, who contributed $3.7 million to the cause as of September 4, according to the Orlando Sentinel.
But the opposition was also organized and rolling in cash. The Drug Free Florida campaign committee was generously and almost entirely funded by conservative Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, who contributed more than $5 million of the $5.6 million the campaign had raised by late October.
Most of that $5 million was spent on fear-mongering TV ads that managed to erode what had been strong initial support for the measure. Up until about a month ago, Amendment 2 had consistently polled above—sometimes well above—60%.
While bemoaning the defeat, drug reformers took some solace in Amendment 2's strong showing, with a majority voting in favor of it.
"A tremendous majority of Floridians voted to legalize marijuana for medical purposes today – and that’s what really matters notwithstanding the fact that the initiative will not be implemented," said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance. "Today’s vote is a confirmation of medical marijuana's broad support across the political spectrum and sends a powerful message not just to Florida legislators but also throughout the South and even nationally."
"While it's disappointing that patients in Florida won't be able to find legal relief with marijuana just yet, tonight's result does show that a clear majority of voters in the Sunshine State support a new direction," said Tom Angell, executive director of Marijuana Majority. "The campaign this year faced several key challenges, including that it took place during a midterm election in which turnout dynamics don't favor marijuana reform. Next time medical marijuana is on the ballot, organizers should put patients and medical professionals at the forefront of the campaign rather than relying on a well-meaning but much less sympathetic political donor as the chief spokesperson."
Angell was referring to John Morgan, but in an email to supporters Tuesday night, Morgan gave no indication he was going away.
"We may not have passed Amendment 2 tonight, but make no mistake, tonight was a victory in the fight for medical marijuana in Florida," he wrote. "Our next governor will take the oath of office having won less than a majority of Floridians' votes. The idea that marijuana is medicine and that those suffering and in pain should not be made criminals, received a larger share of the vote than the winner of the last six gubernatorial elections and every presidential campaign in Florida for decades."
Now, he said, it is time to take the fight to the state legislature in Tallahassee. And if the legislature doesn't act, he's vowing to be back in 2016.
"And the people will not be denied a second time," he vowed. "I have this final message to the patients in Florida - compassion may have been delayed, but it is coming."
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Majority Votes For Medical Marijuana But Still Loses
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