Dana Beal, a permanent fixture on the counterculture scene and a veteran New York City-based activist perhaps best known for organizing the annual Global Marijuana Marches and smoke-ins for the past 30 years, was arrested last week in Illinois on money-laundering charges. But at a court hearing Thursday, the original charge was abandoned and Beal was charged with the much lesser offense of obstruction of justice. He was able to make the $7,500 cash bond set at that hearing and is now a free man, at least for now.

"They're saying the money smelled like marijuana," Beal's local attorney told the Times.
The Times reported that Beal had told friends he was traveling with the cash because he was planning to finance an ibogaine clinic with it. Beal is a long-time advocate for ibogaine, which he and others argue can be used to break addictions to other drugs.
Although Beal was originally charged with money-laundering, local prosecutors may have figured out that a US Supreme Court ruling last week cut the legs out from under them. In that case, Regalado Cuellar v. US, the high court ruled that merely hiding money in a vehicle does not constitute money laundering. Instead, prosecutors must show that the money was hidden with the purpose of hiding the true source of the funds. Illinois prosecutors said they may try to file money-laundering charges later, but that will require more evidence than merely hiding money.
Still, Beal is currently facing charges and his money is now in the hands of Illinois authorities. Whether he can keep his freedom -- or get the cash back -- remains to be seen.
At least two web sites, Steve Bloom's Celeb Stoner and the Weird Load: Only in America blog are providing frequent updates on Beal's ordeal. The latter features a jailhouse interview with him.
(Drug War Chronicle will publish information on Beal's legal defense fund when it becomes available.)
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Beal persecuted
it would appear the road to hell is paved with good intentions. signed Charlie Bananas Bwiti Initiate
More info.
Dana Beal:
At least the latter site is bogus. Do NOT send any money to the jail. It's a lie. Someone is trying to abscond with money that could be used to actually help Dana/The Cause.
I'm an old friend of the Hoffman's. And I'm not kidding you. They are trying to rob you.
Leave Dana alone!
Dana Beal is a humanitarian who should not be arrested!!! He's a dedicated activist!
Isn't there a rapist out there somewhere who got let out of jail yesterday who the police oughta keep an eye on instead?
Wrong photo on Weird Load site
The image identified as Abbie and Dana, is actually Andrew Hoffman, Abbie's son, with Dana. Likely taken at the 1996 Democratic Convention protests in Chicago.
Sending money to the jail is a bad idea. There were people from two states on the way to bail him when they found out he was already sprung. Irvin Danforth Beal, is the right name though.
LOL, ibogaine clinic my ass! he is a dealer
his KARMA ran over his dogma a long time ago.
who did he pay off to get the charges reduced , one wonders.
For info on Sept. 30, 2009 arrest in Nebraska.
See the DRCnet article:
Law Enforcement: Veteran Activist Dana Beal Busted in Nebraska -- Supporters Rallying to Help.
Facebook group:
********** DANA.....................
Geez Dana, keep the women under control.... Speaking of trolls, I wonder how there local police will handle this caper...?? Dana Beal taught me that criminalizing harmless persuits like pot smoking & nude sunbathing is a Nazi reflex........ and I think he is correct.... Hang in there Dana.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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