Another marijuana-heavy news day today -- at least it's coming from all corners of the country. The DEA is giving ultimatums to doctors in Massachusetts, the California GOP attorney general candidate wants to legalize it, and, Down Under, the Melbourne city council has a report calling for a debate on drug legalization. Let's get to it:

Montana Marijuana Advocates Regroup, Call for Discussion of Legalization. Montana marijuana advocates, who have seen their once wide-open medical marijuana system dramatically scaled back, are ready to go on the offensive again. A new group has formed to further the cause. The Montana Project for Innovative Policy is eyeing a legalization initiative for 2016.
Louisiana Marijuana Supporters to Rally at State Capitol Saturday. After a legislative session in which marijuana reform bills went nowhere, reform advocates will rally at the state capitol in Baton Rouge Saturday. The event is organized by Legalize Louisiana, which apparently still exists despite having officially dissolved in March. Click on the Legalize Louisiana link for event details.
Lewiston, Maine, Legalization Initiative Signature-Gathering to Begin Monday. Marijuana legalization supporters in Maine's second largest city will launch the signature-gathering campaign for their municipal legalization initiative Monday. The measure would legalize the possession of up to 2 ½ ounces. A similar measure passed in Portland last year, and South Portland voters will also vote on one this year.
California GOP Attorney General Candidate Says Legalize It. Ron Gold, the presumptive Republican challenger to Democratic Attorney General Kamala Harris, wants to legalize and tax marijuana, he told the Sacramento Bee. "I just think that police resources are so few, and we have so much to do, that going after someone who is having a joint in West Hollywood is about as useful as having another Carter's Little Liver Pill," Gold said. "An adult is an adult," he added. "If you use those things - and you're stupid - we can't bar stupidity." Harris, who is an odds-on favorite to win, hasn't endorsed legalization. "Basically, I am to the left of Harris on an issue that's always been very popular and critical in California," Gold said. "I view it as a matter of principle."
Medical Marijuana
DEA Giving Massachusetts Doctors Ultimatum: Quit Dispensaries or Lose Your License. The Boston Globe reported today that DEA agents have been visiting Massachusetts doctors involved with medical marijuana dispensaries and telling them the DEA will jerk the licenses to prescribe drugs if they don't cut ties with the dispensaries. And it's working. At least two doctors have severed ties, while one gave up his DEA license, saying as a semi-retired surgeon, he didn't need it to do his job. The Globe reports this will likely slow the opening of some long-awaited dispensaries.
Arizona Judge Orders State to Allow Medical Marijuana for PTSD. A state court judge has ruled that "a preponderance of evidence shows medical marijuana provides palliative benefit to those suffering from PTSD" and given the state Health Department until July 9 to accept his decision or appeal it. The department has denied all previous petitions seeking to add PTSD to the list of qualifying conditions.
DC Council to Hold Hearing Next Week on Expanding Qualifying Conditions List, Easing Cultivation Restrictions. The DC council will hear two bills related to medical marijuana next Tuesday. Bill 20-766, cosponsored by every member of the council, would repeal the qualifying conditions list and allow physicians to recommend marijuana to any patient they think marijuana would benefit. Bill 20-678, will increase the number of plants a cultivation center could possess from 95 to 500, better ensuring that patient need is met. Click on the title link for hearing details.
Melbourne, Australia, City Council Releases Report Recommending Debate on Legalizing Drugs. The city council in Melbourne, Australia's second largest city, Thursday released a report calling for a debate on the "challenges and opportunities" of legalizing and regulating currently illicit substances. But some council members are now distancing themselves from that aspect of the report, which deals more broadly with how to reduce crime and violence in the city.
(This article was published by's lobbying arm, the Drug Reform Coordination Network, which also shares the cost of maintaining this web site. DRCNet Foundation takes no positions on candidates for public office, in compliance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and does not pay for reporting that could be interpreted or misinterpreted as doing so.)
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DEA over steps again
I wasn't aware the DEA had the power to yank doctors' licenses. The people of MA should contact their Senators and Congressmen to take action against such a blatant abuse of power. I wonder how Elizabeth Warren feels about the DEA circumventing the will of the voters?
Yanking licenses in Massachusetts
This is a direct slap in the face by Michele Liarheart to Obama and Holder. Are they going it take it? Probably. Is the AMA going to tolerate this? Probably.
Will the public health community pay any attention? No, they are pathetically asleep at the switch. Alcohol vs. cannabis is their area of expertise, way more than anyone else's, but they act paralyzed on the subject, oblivious to the life and death reality of alcohol vs. marijuana. Alcohol is the drug of choice of child molesters, but the public health community wants it to be the only drug child molesters and potential child molesters can use to get a buzz. Doesn't that sound amazingly stupid to you? As stupid as putting drug distribution in the hands of people who will sell to children, another thing the public health community is oblivious to.
In reply to Yanking licenses in Massachusetts by saynotohypocrisy (not verified)
Conflict of interest?
Don't you see a conflict of interest likely when a physician prescribes marijuana (a controlled substance) and has a prominent position in dispensary for medical marijuana, when, given the fact that only a limited number of dispensaries are licensed, and on a geographic basis, the likelihood is that the dispensary filling that marijuana prescription will be the one where the physician holds that position?
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