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South Carolina Man Is Latest Drug War Fatality

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #798)
Consequences of Prohibition
Drug War Issues

A Summerville, South Carolina man was shot and killed by police after allegedly engaging them with gunfire as he fled a traffic stop turned drug bust. Travis Miller, 22, becomes the 26th person to die in US domestic drug law enforcement operations so far this year.

According to WCSC-TV Live 5 News, citing police sources, the incident began as an attempted traffic stop by city of Hanahan police. They were trying "to stop a motorist for a window tint violation a little before midnight" Monday, but the driver refused to stop. Instead, he led police on a short pursuit before pulling over.

When the vehicle stopped, police then said they smelled marijuana coming from the vehicle and ordered the driver and three passengers to exit the vehicle while they searched them and the car. Miller took off running with police in pursuit. Police said Miller opened fire on them as they pursued him. They returned fire.

Shortly thereafter, police found Miller dead in a wooded area. A handgun was found on him, police said.

The driver and the other two passengers were charged with marijuana possession, and the driver was cited for the tinted window violation. All three had prior drug arrests, and Miller also had an arrest history, but it wasn't clear what offenses he had been charged with.

The police officers involved in the incident have been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division.


joebanana (not verified)

Yeah by their own division. All police shootings should be investigated by a grand jury, not the buddies of the murderers. That's just stupid and silly. Cops should be unarmed. If they can't do their job without a gun, oh well. Police are eight times more dangerous, and deadly than terrorists. Seems like half of police involved murders involve an unarmed suspect. "Oh, I thought he just had a garden hose attached to his gun". Don't fly.

Fri, 08/23/2013 - 1:02am Permalink
Juicey Bananas (not verified)

Dont worry kiddies, these trained proffesionals are only perfecting their craft. In a police state they are trained to back up each others stories as best as they can,kinda like monkey pile if you know what I mean,DA and other friends of court"constituants"work out the details and Wah-Lah,back to the fun and games of fleecing taxpayers of money and property.

Fri, 08/23/2013 - 6:01am Permalink
sicntired (not verified)

A traffic stop turned drug bust turned drug war killing.All because in the mind of this 22 year old to be caught with drugs would be the end for him.You can't blame him,that's not impossible.In the USA,you face the most outrageous justice system in the world.I should say the free world but how free is it today?For a crime that in other countries he would get a little jail time,maybe.He faces a possibility of a life sentence and even a big fine.For cannabis possession?He is so scared by this proposition that he runs away and shoots at the officers?They say.He is found with a gun,later,in the woods?They say.His friends all have drug history and would be so easily threatened into keeping quiet.But were they?This kind of thing happens because America's drug laws are so outrageously out of proportion to whatever the crime that law enforcement weilds a very big club.Young people,who see even a week as forever are easily intimidated.This 22 year old was scared to death.Not the first and certainly not the last.

Wed, 08/28/2013 - 11:33pm Permalink
Almonte (not verified)

He was wrong to run and to have a weapon. However, there is too many different versions of this story. This to my understanding was on minutes long on the dash cams so why so much with this..........

Wed, 03/19/2014 - 9:23am Permalink

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