Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
A bill that would legalize the use of medical marijuana in the Tarheel State is dead after a legislative committee killed it to avoid having to hear any more about it from constituents.

The House Rules Committee Wednesday heard public comments on the bill for about 20 minutes. Only one speaker, a representative of the social conservative North Carolina Family Policy Council, opposed the bill; a number of medical marijuana patients urged the committee to advance the bill, as did its sponsor Rep. Kelly Alexander (D-Mecklenburg).
Then, instead of merely letting the bill expire in committee, as is typically the case with bills that won't pass, the committee voted to give it an unfavorable report, ensuring the topic could not be brought up again this session. According to House rules, when a bill is given an unfavorable report, "the contents of that bill or the principal provisions of its subject matter shall not be considered in any other measure originating in the Senate or originating thereafter in the House."
"We did it to be done with it, so people could move on for the session," Rep. Paul "Skip" Stam (R-Wake) told WRAL TV in Raleigh. He said lawmakers were being "harassed" with phone calls and emails about medical marijuana.
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being harassed? i wish i
being harassed? i wish i could get away with rarely doing my job and giving myself raises and bonuses.
In reply to being harassed? i wish i by Zac (not verified)
I agree 100% with you
I agree 100% with you
Being harassed w/ questions they don't have a decent answer to
and don't have the decency to realize they need to have answers to. Git your hands off people's medicine, you are such bad boys and girls!
BTW, that is a wonderful headline, one that was just waiting for a perfect opportunity to be used. Everything they do regarding the 'wrong' drugs is done with extreme prejudice, and here we have political tactics that don't try to hide it, as with sobriety = DUI laws, selective cutoffs from student aid (drunk driving? not a problem), and the state seizing the children of users of the wrong drugs (but not the children of drunk drivers, not even repeat or killer drunk drivers).
Down South
I live in Georgia , and trust me , this is just another example of RedNeck legislation . Ever seen " Moonshiners " show on tv ? Those North Carolinians love their moonshine too much to let Cannabis get in the way . After reading this here , you will have graduated from RedNeck Legislation Theory 101 [N.C. version] .
< lives in NC For some
< lives in NC
For some reason, I thought phone calls and emails about what your constituents want was how you gather information about the interests of the ones who you represent. But it's actually "harassment". I learned something new.
Nc has been
This is one of the most extraordinary mockeries of democracy I have witnessed in my 70 years of life.
Rep Paul Stam's comments are not those of an educated man, they are the words of a bigoted politician with no accountability to his constituents.
In the book of Acts, Ch 3, vs 17, Peter is talking to the Jewish people about the crucifixion of Christ:
"It is you who did it, you and your leaders, even though you did it in IGNORANCE" (Caps mine).
Paul's actions were beneath the actions of an honorable man. He is obviously ignorant of this subject.
We had the testimony of a disabled veteran, an MD who is slowly dying from the opiates he must take daily that no longer provide relief, and a brain tumor patient with a 2-5 year life expectancy who has been living with Cannabis for 17 years now.
The opposition "read" from a 1999 report by the IOM. Again, the ignorance is beyond what should have been allowed in actual testimony. Had it been submitted to medical scrutiny, it would be "laughable"
The outcome is not laughable; it is a blight on our political process.
Had these same legislators not "demanded to use historical information" to predict sea level rise instead of science based information, I would be shocked at Stam's comments. In view of the same, these IDIOTS must be rebuffed.
In reply to Ignorance by CW4 Perry Parks, CSP (not verified)
vote them out of office, that's how you rebuff.
To think any of our politicians care for a second about us is just plain delusional. At this point in earth's existence it is clear humanity needs to simply become extinct. These politicians would come to your house to rape your wife and kids saving your anus for their last enjoyment, then have a cigarette and beer on your front porch while your anus bleeds and wife attempts to reject the politicians semen in hopes she doesn't get pregnant while you have to watch your daughters vagina ripped and sons anus also ripped open bleeding profusely. Sounds pretty horrific huh? Well there is some politician reading this comment masturbating to the possibility of this scenario and they would do this in an instant if they knew they could pay the right people too look the other way. We already have cops getting away with murder, so how is this much farther fetched? We call them to talk to them about what we think is important and they simply snob their noses at us and say whatever it takes to get us off the phone so they can go have their tee time with buddy frilly foo foo and big daddy bankster money bags. They really don't give a flying frack about us and make it blatantly clear they don't. Yet we continue on like good little sheep, going to work, paying taxes, obeying laws, etc.. Revolution? Planetary destruction? Which will it be?
"We did it to be done with
"We did it to be done with it, so people could move on for the session," Rep. Paul "Skip" Stam (R-Wake) told WRAL TV in Raleigh. He said lawmakers were being "harassed" with phone calls and emails about medical marijuana."
You fucking moron leaders! This is the way it is supposed to work. Issues that are important to the people are usually followed by activism. Harassed? Send these fucks to North Korea. We want America back!
Welcome to the Dirty South
BDon't feel like the Lone Ranger, we in Mississippi are treated the same way by our politicians. They are like our parents who are only doing what is best for us. see below from my Congressman Steve Palazzo...
Thank you for contacting me to share your thoughts regarding H.R. 499, the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2013. As your Congressman, I am committed to putting the needs of Mississippi families first, and knowing your views and ideas on federal legislation is critical in order to best represent you. To this extent, your comments and ideas are always appreciated.
As you may know, H.R. 499 was introduced by Congressman Jared Polis on February 5, 2013. This bill would remove marijuana from federal scheduling under the Controlled Substances Act, effectively legalizing marijuana on the federal level and leaving it to the states to enact their own legislation how they see fit. This legislation has been referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce as well as the House Committee on the Judiciary for further consideration.
As a father of three children, I understand the need to protect our families from the negative effects of illegal drug use. Drug addiction is a serious disease affecting many Americans. Allowing easier access to illegal drugs would significantly compromise the safety, health, and well-being of individuals, families, and their communities. In this regard, I oppose any legalization of illegal drugs, including marijuana. Although we may disagree, please know that I will keep your thoughts in mind should H.R. 499 reach the floor of the House for a vote.
As I close, let me again thank you for contacting me and helping me to better understand the concerns of Mississippians. If there is any assistance I can provide or if you have additional thoughts and opinions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Steven M. Palazzo
Member of Congress
In reply to Welcome to the Dirty South by bhonze (not verified)
Steven M. Palazzo
Dear Mr. Palazzo:
Thank you for your reply to one of your constituents. It is access to legislators that is the foundation of our democracy, and I am committed to the preservation of liberty, and the well being of all citizens.
As you have stated, 'H.R. 499 was introduced by Congressman Jared Polis on February 5, 2013. This bill would remove marijuana from federal scheduling under the Controlled Substances Act, effectively legalizing marijuana on the federal level and leaving it to the states to enact their own legislation how they see fit. This legislation has been referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce as well as the House Committee on the Judiciary for further consideration.'
As a citizen of this nation who questions the statements made by our government regarding marijuana and it's uses and dangers, I have spent at minimum 100 hours researching the issue. I wanted to know why the substance is illegal to begin with, why our government insists the plant to be as dangerous as heroin and LSD, and I wanted to understand why so many legislators believe what has been told to them regarding the dangers of marijuana.
Unfortunately, it appears, Mr. Palazzo, that you didn't even perform a cursory Google search. It appears you have relied solely on information provided by those with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo, without questioning whether or not anything about the Prohibition is factually correct. It appears that you have ignored the fact that all governmental employees of the DEA, NIDA, ONDCP and other agencies are statutorily required to do anything and everything they can to prevent the legalization of cannabis. This includes blocking valid scientific research on the positive benefits of cannabis.
Nevertheless, a simple Google search will yield thousands of pages of research and information regarding the government's purposeful, deliberate, and statutorily required deception and lies about the harms of cannabis. Even Michele Leonheart has publicly stated that 'we generally do not fund research on the positive medical benefits of marijuana'.
Consequently, given you refuse to even question the validity of the research you rely on, despite public evidence of government bias, it appears you also endorse the vast criminal enterprises, violence, suffering and death that accompany Prohibition. It appears you also endorse endless funding for ever growing prison populations, the expenditure of citizen's tax dollars towards the totally ineffective law enforcement, and most disturbingly, the exclusion of people suffering and dying from an alternative that actually helps them.
I hope you will search your conscience and give this a more thoughtful look and consideration. There is only benefit in doing so, and your people will thank you and vote for you because of it.
Tobacco State Outlaws Cancer Medicine
If I were a bible-thumping north carolina preacher I would be outraged by my state ruling that a plant whose medical properties have been known about long before the birth of jesus christ would seek to quash any discussion of the subject in the legislature. This goes beyond the principals of the democratic process as well as the teachings of jesus. Funny it would come from a state which produces tobacco, a product more addictive than heroin, one which kills almost 400,000 people a year.
Black folk in N.C. should do their homework on prohibition and learn that it is the new jim crow. White N.C. liberals and conservatives should do their homework and learn how alcohol use increased during prohibition and how perhaps a state which produces such a deadly and addictive product should, at the very least, show compassion to those who suffer from serious illnesses where marijuana has demonstrated it's usefullness.
These are the Reps who found people(constituents) annoying.
N.C. Tobacco Preachers
According to Popcorn Sutton , Baptists churches were built with moonshine $$$ . How many were built with tobacco $$$ ? Jake legs smoking cigars in church while condemning the Cannabis plant . " In the last days , even the very elect will be deceived " . The Vatican is about to implode any day now with it`s money laundering , child molesting activities . @ CW4 knows what time it is .
Can anything be done?
lawmakers were being "harassed"
lawmakers were being "harassed" we have just started
I ask anyone that reads this to send them emails on this subject.
and please ask Mr Moore to take a meeting with Mr Perry Parks the President of The North Carolina cannabis Patients Network http://nccpn.org
Chairman: Tim Moore (R) – [email protected] Vice Chairman: Justin P. Burr (R) - [email protected] Vice Chairman: Paul Stam (R) - [email protected] John M. Blust (R) - [email protected] James L. Boles, Jr. (R) - [email protected] Marcus Brandon (D) - [email protected] William D. Brisson (D) - [email protected] Becky Carney (D) - [email protected] N. Leo Daughtry (R) - [email protected] Jean Farmer-Butterfield (D) - [email protected] Elmer Floyd (D) - [email protected] Larry D. Hall (D) - [email protected] Susi H. Hamilton (D) - [email protected] Kelly E. Hastings (R) - [email protected] Bryan R. Holloway (R) - [email protected] Darren G. Jackson (D) - [email protected] Linda P. Johnson (R) - [email protected] David R. Lewis (R) - [email protected] Tim D. Moffitt (R) - [email protected] Jason Saine (R) - [email protected] Ruth Samuelson (R) - [email protected] Edgar V. Starnes (R) - [email protected] Mike C. Stone (R) - [email protected] John A. Torbett (R) - [email protected]
Medical cannabis
The claim that the calls and emails were harassment is Paul Stam's way of publicly placing the blame on the bill's supporters. The real reason that the bill was killed was because Paul Stam had no intention of allowing the bill to come to a fair vote. Support was growing, so Stam and others backed financially by big pharma and extreme religious groups needed to end it. Don't blame the killing of this bill on North Carolina rednecks. Paul Stam grew up in Michigan. He's a damn yankee just like a majority of the people in North Carolina. Paul Stam is supported by big money drug dealers indirectly through organizations like the Family Policy Council. When North Carolina had dry counties, the bootleggers donated large
sums of money to the Baptist churches to fight against alcohol legalization. The big illegal drug distributors, like the bootleggers of yesterday, are willing to donate large sums to religious groups, the family policy council, and even directly to politicians like Paul Stam in order to maintain their sales and profits. Why else would such tremendous public support for a bill that would help disabled veterans, cancer patients, and the elderly be so repulsive to elected officials. The individuals calling Paul Stam were doctors, nurses, care providers, disabled war veterans. cancer patients, victims of cerebral palsy, and others who suffered from debilitating conditions that the legally available medications have not relieved. Yes, only money in the pocket can explain why politicians, like Paul Stam, would turn their backs on such people. Maybe we should call him Payday Paul Stam. The bill was supported, as shown in a recent poll, by 58 percent of North Carolinians, individuals in healthcare, victims of war, and those suffering from disabling condition, and their families. This single action proves that our elected officials in general and the Republicans in particular have no interest in the health or the desires of the citizens of North Carolina. Payday Paul Stam just made me, an independent voter who has never voted a straight ticket, become a Democrat voter for every office. The good news is that the Democrats have openly voted to support cannabis legalization. This little spell of Republican power in North Carolina only occurs once every 100 years. It will be over in less than two years thanks to Payday Paul Stam. Then we will have Republican governor for two years more. In four years, the great Republican experiment in North Carolina will be over for another 100 years.
Medical cannabis
The claim that the calls and emails were harassment is Paul Stam's way of publicly placing the blame on the bill's supporters. The real reason that the bill was killed was because Paul Stam had no intention of allowing the bill to come to a fair vote. Support was growing, so Stam and others backed financially by big pharma and extreme religious groups needed to end it. Don't blame the killing of this bill on North Carolina rednecks. Paul Stam grew up in Michigan. He's a damn yankee just like a majority of the people in North Carolina. Paul Stam is supported by big money drug dealers indirectly through organizations like the Family Policy Council. When North Carolina had dry counties, the bootleggers donated large
sums of money to the Baptist churches to fight against alcohol legalization. The big illegal drug distributors, like the bootleggers of yesterday, are willing to donate large sums to religious groups, the family policy council, and even directly to politicians like Paul Stam in order to maintain their sales and profits. Why else would such tremendous public support for a bill that would help disabled veterans, cancer patients, and the elderly be so repulsive to elected officials. The individuals calling Paul Stam were doctors, nurses, care providers, disabled war veterans. cancer patients, victims of cerebral palsy, and others who suffered from debilitating conditions that the legally available medications have not relieved. Yes, only money in the pocket can explain why politicians, like Paul Stam, would turn their backs on such people. Maybe we should call him Payday Paul Stam. The bill was supported, as shown in a recent poll, by 58 percent of North Carolinians, individuals in healthcare, victims of war, and those suffering from disabling condition, and their families. This single action proves that our elected officials in general and the Republicans in particular have no interest in the health or the desires of the citizens of North Carolina. Payday Paul Stam just made me, an independent voter who has never voted a straight ticket, become a Democrat voter for every office. The good news is that the Democrats have openly voted to support cannabis legalization. This little spell of Republican power in North Carolina only occurs once every 100 years. It will be over in less than two years thanks to Payday Paul Stam. Then we will have Republican governor for two years more. In four years, the great Republican experiment in North Carolina will be over for another 100 years.
In reply to NC SUCKS! by NCsucks (not verified)
In reply to NC SUCKS! by NCsucks (not verified)
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