Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy

protest against federal medical marijuana crackdown, San Francisco, April 2012
For the past 16 years states have called for safe access to medical marijuana. But Congress has failed to act, to the detriment of patients and providers.
That could change this week. Supporters of medical marijuana in Congress are offering an Appropriations amendment that would forbid the Dept. of Justice from interfering with state medical marijuana laws. The amendment comes at a time when pressure has been mounting on Pres. Obama to explain his administration's crackdown, the latest criticism from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
I'm tired of seeing friends who stood up to help patients lose their livelihoods after federal raids, some even prosecuted and imprisoned. I'm tired of watching DEA officials continue to obstruct FDA-approved research on medical marijuana, research that could have resolved things through that official process long ago. But things will only change if people like you who care about the issue and see through those deceptions speak up.
And so I'm asking for your help. Would you make a phone call today to your US Representative's office, asking for a YES vote on the Rohrabacher-Hinchey-McClintock-Farr medical marijuana amendment to the Commerce, Justice, Science appropriations bill, H.R. 5326? Tell your Rep it's time to respect state medical marijuana laws and patients' rights! You can reach your Rep's office (or find our who your Rep is) by calling the Congressional Switchboard at (202) 224-3121, or you can look up the contact info through our online Legislative Center. (Use the "search by zip code" box.)
It couldn't be a more important time. Please call Congress to turn this challenging time in drug policy into a pivotal time for reform instead -- thank you for taking action.
David Borden, Executive Director
Washington, DC
P.S. You can help StoptheDrugWar.org by letting us know you've taken action and what your Representative's staffs had to say. You can also help by forwarding this alert and by urging people to sign up for our email list, our Facebook and Twitter pages and our RSS feeds. We also gratefully welcome donations.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Drug War Costs $Trills$!
"War On Drugs" Costs Taxpayers $Trillions$ Including Court & Jail Costs, & Proliferates Drugs! ILLEGAL=Uncontrolled, Legal=Regulated, Taxed & Controlled.
Ever Hear Of A Criminal "Carding" Customers? "Partnership For A Drug-Free America Is Funded By Big Pharma! They Don't Want "Drug-Free", Just Competition-Free!
Why Spend All That Taxpayer Money To Stop Illegal Drugs, When Psycho-Active Substances That Are MUCH More Harmful Than Most Illegal Drugs Can Be Bought Cheaply By Anyone At Any Hardware Store Or Market? (Glue, Paint, Aerosols, Hand Sanitizer, etc.)?
Did We Learn NOTHING From Alcohol Prohibition? By-The-Way, Where Is The Constitutional Amendment That Allows Government To Make These "Controlled" Substances Illegal, Anyway? It's NOT In MY Copy Of The Constitution!
In reply to Drug War Costs $Trills$! by William McDavid (not verified)
Leagalize Marijuana
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