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Drug Prohibition
What kind of investigation was it ? Drug Prohibition creates crime , Indians used to ride horses , Fish swim in the sea ... Americans must enjoy punishing themselves over drugs . What is it called ? S&M ?
In reply to Drug Prohibition by kickback (not verified)
yes, people with very limited options for making money
are going to deal drugs and worse. If we really want to be America the Beautiful, and reduce both real crime and real drug abuse (legal and otherwise), we'll figure out how to provide useful work for everyone who wants to work.
Police at their absolute
Police at their absolute best. Government caring less and protecting child perversion. I hate these sick freeks and what they did to my child and what this worthless Governor and worthless Attorney General are doing to allow it to continue! Andrew Scheroeder Badge #6969 of the Illinois State Police, August 15, 2007 led a drug raid on my home with a dirty search warrant. During this raid my then 9 year old daughter was permitted to use the bathroom. As a child (in passing) she looked into her bedroom and observed this individual standing over her laundry basket with a pair of her soiled panties up to his face. Illinois Governor Pat Quinn and Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan should be arrested immediately! They know and allow their State Police to commit acts of deviant perversion to a child and then look the other way and pretend it doesn’t happen! Not Illinois Governor Pat Quinn, nor Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan have the slightest concern over their rouge cops. A close look at all social unrest and you will quickly find that the underlying problem is almost always the police.
You don't like police being
You don't like police being threatened! Fuck You you Bastard. I don't like your kind of badge wearing pistol packing shit bags committing acts of deviant perversion in front of my 9 year old child! You don't want to post the officers names in fear of their safety! Too bad! Andrew Scheroder Badge #6969, Illinois State Police. Deviant sexual pervert!
They don't want to publicize
They don't want to publicize the officers names. BS. Andrew Scheroder, Badge # 6969, Illinois State Police. Northern District. Rockford Illinois SLANT = State Line Area Narcotics Team.
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