Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
Support for marijuana legalization in the US continues to climb, with the Gallup Poll reporting Monday that a record high 50% of Americans now approve of freeing the weed. That's up from 30% in 2000, 40% in 2009, and 46% last year.

When Gallup first began asking the marijuana legalization question in 1969, only 12% approved and 84% opposed. Approval figures hovered in the mid-twenties from the late 1970s to the mid-1990s before beginning the current upward climb.
In line with other national polls, the current Gallup poll found support for legalization strongest among liberals (69%), 18-29-year-olds (62%), and moderates, Democrats, and independents (57%). Men (54%) and 30-49-year-olds (56%) also showed majority support for legalization.
Those demographic groups least like to favor marijuana legalization were people over 65 (31%), conservatives (34%), Republicans (35%), and women (46%).
Geographically, marijuana legalization had majority support in the West (55%), the Midwest (54%), and the East (51%). The only region not showing majority support for legalization was the South, where only 44% approved.
Especially in the West, these numbers will bring some solace to legalization campaigners. Organizers in at least four states -- California, Colorado, Oregon and Washington -- are working toward placing legalization initiatives on state ballots, and these numbers suggest they are within striking distance of victory, even if not within the 60%+ approval comfort zone of initiative veterans.
As Gallup itself noted, "Support for legalizing marijuana has been increasing over the past several years, rising to 50% today -- the highest on record. If this current trend on legalizing marijuana continues, pressure may build to bring the nation's laws into compliance with the people's wishes."
The poll was conducted by telephone interviews on October 6-9. The sample was a random sample of 1,005 adults 18 or older living in all 50 states and Washington, DC. The margin of error is +/- 4%.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
END MARIJUANA PROHIBITION petition http://wh.gov/gP1
Hurry! Please click & sign petition
http://wh.gov/gP1 at White House, deadline Oct. 22
This is a watershed, hope it gets noted in the mainstream media
It should be a wakeup call for them about how public opinion has changed. There was another such landmark event recently when the Washington State Democratic Party endorsed a cannabis legalization initiative (admittedly a controversial one that doesn't include the right to grow), the first time a party from the ruling duopoly has endorsed a legalization proposal at the state level. I've been wondering if anything intelligent will come out of the study that the Indiana legislature authorized earlier this year of drug war related issued. They were supposed to be having hearings at which I think the public could speak, anyone know if that has happened yet? A serious look at the issue of cannabis by a state government would be another landmark event. Since money is such a problem for government now, maybe some drug war reform movement benefactor could offer to finance a state or city level government study focused on cannabis legalization
Occupy Lamar!
Wednesday, October 19th
10 a.m.: Kerrville Public Meeting
Location: Kathleen C. Cailloux Theater – 910 Main Street, Kerrville TX
Location: Bandera Justice Center, 3360 State Highway 173 North, Bandera, TX
Location: McKenna Events Center, 801 West San Antonio, New Braunfels, TX
The illegal drug trade is now
The illegal drug trade is now estimated to be somewhere in the region of $400 billion a year ( equal to the defense budget ). This "former land of the free" arrests 1.5 million of it's citizens a year for drug law violations, half for marijuana alone, The majority of the 2.2 million inmates in the USA are incarcerated because of this insane drug war (Prohibition 2) at a staggering cost to all taxpayers and trauma to their families.
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