Politics & Advocacy
California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) has vetoed a bill that would have allowed farmers in select counties to grow hemp, saying it would subject them to federal prosecution, but in doing so, he lashed out at the federal ban on hemp farming in the US, calling it "absurd."

hemp field at sunrise (votehemp.com)
The bill had mandated an eight-year pilot program that would end in 2020, but not before the California attorney general would issue a report on law enforcement impact and the Hemp Industries Association would issue a report on its economic impact.
But although, like three other hemp bills that have been vetoed in California in the past decade, the bill passed the legislature and had the broadest support of any hemp measure considered in the state, Gov. Brown killed it, citing the federal proscription on hemp farming.
"Federal law clearly establishes that all cannabis plants, including industrial hemp, are marijuana, which is a federally regulated controlled substance," Brown said in his veto message. "Failure to obtain a permit from the US Drug Enforcement Administration prior to growing such plants will subject a California farmer to prosecution," he noted.
"Although I am not signing this measure, I do support a change in federal law," Brown continued. "Products made from hemp -- clothes, food, and bath products -- are legally sold in California every day. It is absurd that hemp is being imported into the state, but our farmers cannot grow it."
Industry groups were not assuaged by Brown's language criticizing the federal hemp ban. In a press release Monday, Vote Hemp and the Hemp Industries Association blasted the veto.
"Vote Hemp and The Hemp Industries Association are extremely disappointed by Gov. Brown's veto. This is a big setback for not only the hemp industry -- but for farmers, businesses, consumers and the California economy as a whole. Hemp is a versatile cash and rotation crop with steadily rising sales as a natural, renewable food and body care ingredient. It's a shame that Gov. Brown agreed that the ban on hemp farming was absurd and yet chose to block a broadly supported effort to add California to the growing list of states that are demanding the return of US hemp farming. There truly was overwhelming bipartisan support for this bill," said Eric Steenstra, president of Vote Hemp and executive director of the HIA.
"After four vetoes in ten years in California, it is clear we lack a governor willing to lead on this important ecological, agricultural and economic issue. We will regroup, strategize and use this veto to our advantage at the federal level," added Vote Hemp Director and co-counsel Patrick Goggin.
The US hemp market is now estimated to be about $420 million in annual retail sales, but manufacturers must turn to foreign suppliers because the DEA, which refuses to differentiate between industrial hemp and recreational and medical marijuana, bars its cultivation here.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Disappointment, yes. But.....
Although this may be disappointing it is a very bold move on the Honorable Governor. This puts into record the absurdity of our current federal policy on hemp. This country can grow some serious crops and hemp is so valuable in a myriad of ways.
People are: starving, who needn't be, struggling to meet their primary needs, dying because they cannot afford basic medical care, etc,. in this, supposed wealthiest of nations, because of political BULLSH*T!
My hat is off to Governor Brown!
In reply to Disappointment, yes. But..... by maryburge (not verified)
Moral Vicotries are meaningless
How can anybody be satisfied with this? So what that Brown doesn't like the federal ban! Don't like it, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! It never ceases to amaze me how pussified as a people we have become that mere "moral victories" mean ANYTHING to us! We still can't grow Cannabis! We still cannot possess Cannabis. We (until Obama STOLE IT FROM US AGAIN!!!) were finally able to have it as a medicine, and now that is going away too! I mean really people, what are you willing to do to be able to do what you want with your own body?
In reply to Moral Vicotries are meaningless by Ozlanthos (not verified)
OZ, you're right
Citizens of CA should NOT be satisfied with this. The voters need to push, again, to get their legislature to use the 10th Amendment and declare that there is no ban on growing hemp in CA. If the Gov won't then sign it into law they need to recall and replace him.
As for what all of us can do -- help get Ron Paul the GOP nomination by becoming a delegate for him at your local GOP caucus (and vote for him in States which have a primary instead of a caucus) and attend the local GOP convention as his delegate, then the State convention and finally the national convention -- the candidate with the most delegates at the national wins the nomination. Once he wins the nomination he WILL win the election.
In reply to Disappointment, yes. But..... by maryburge (not verified)
Double Talk!
This is just another politician talking out of both sides of his mouth! I hope the voters are smart enough to vote him out of office next time as an example. Until we unite and start doing this the Feds will continue to THINK they run things.
In reply to Disappointment, yes. But..... by maryburge (not verified)
If you want hemp support Regulate Marijuana Like Wine in 2012
The Regulate Marijuana Like Wine initiative has language which legalizes the growing of industrial hemp in California and protects medical marijuana users, as well as permitting recreational use. It blocks commercial advertising, which stops the mega corporations from jumping into the game. Signatures will start being collected on November 1.
Moral victories are meaningless
How can anybody be satisfied with this? So what that Brown doesn't like the federal ban! Don't like it, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! It never ceases to amaze me how pussified as a people we have become that mere "moral victories" mean ANYTHING to us! We still can't grow Cannabis! We still cannot possess Cannabis. We (until Obama STOLE IT FROM US AGAIN!!!) were finally able to have it as a medicine, and now that is going away too! I mean really people, what are you willing to do to be able to do what you want with your own body?
Hemp Needs a California Proposition of Its Very Own
I can’t imagine California voters of any political party objecting to hemp cultivation in California, assuming they know the facts about the plant and don’t assume it’s just another marijuana bush. The timber and cotton industries might object, but they’ll make themselves look like greedy idiots if they do.
The passage of California’s Prop. 215 had more to overcome in terms of law, prejudice and politics than hemp does. The fact that the bill recently made it all the way through Sacramento before landing on Brown’s desk is a clear indication of major support from all sides.
There is enough money in hemp production to justify the investment in legalizing its cultivation via the California voter process. It’s just a matter of raising the funds and collecting the signatures.
In reply to Hemp Needs a California Proposition of Its Very Own by Giordano (not verified)
makes sense to me
It would also be a good opportunity for public education, and for a richly earned rebuke of the drug warriors. As noted, it's just a matter of, wouldn't you know it, money.
Absurd is a man who will vote against what even he knows was a good thing
The USA needs this industry now!
Most userfull plant on the planet
Hemp is the most useful of all plants on the planet and yet it is illegal in supposedly the freest country on the earth. Many other nations have found a way to let this plant be cultivated. Food, clothing, shelter, energy , plastic (Henry Ford built a car out of it) Popular Mechanics called it a Billion dollar crop in 1938 because of all its possible industrial uses. All these politicians are in bed with the big corporations. Its time for a country of by the people and for the people.
jerry brown is a bitch
God, i hate jerry brown. he says its absurd that federal law prohibits it, yet he vetoes the bill that would make it legal. what a frickin hypocrite. i know he's heard of the 10th amendment and states rights but gives tuition to illegal immigrants and makes it ok for 12 year old girls to take a deadly gardasil vaccine which has killed dozens and hurt tens of thousands of girls. i will enjoy watching jerry brown burn in hell!
jerry brown is a bitch
God, i hate jerry brown. he says its absurd that federal law prohibits it, yet he vetoes the bill that would make it legal. what a frickin hypocrite. i know he's heard of the 10th amendment and states rights but gives tuition to illegal immigrants and makes it ok for 12 year old girls to take a deadly gardasil vaccine which has killed dozens and hurt tens of thousands of girls. i will enjoy watching jerry brown burn in hell!
Maybe if someone tells them
Maybe if someone tells them that the pollen from the male hemp plants would effectively destroy ANY outdoor cannabis plants they will change their tune... I wish I could be a fly on the wall when they all talk to each other about the REAL reasons they won't do what's right... Cannabis sativa or indica x cannabis ruderalis = Low Ryder!
Don't live in a fantasy land,
Don't live in a fantasy land, we all see what's being done to medical marijuana dispensaries now, federal law enforcement would raid any and all hemp farms, destroy all plant, confiscate anything of value and arrest everyone involved. There is no money in that. Plain and simple, unless the federal law changes it doesn't matter if he signed it or how much support there is at the state level, anybody foolish enough to try starting a hemp farm will lose everything including their freedom.
stoopid to say one thing and not act on what you believe is right; as a vegetarian i do not eat "meat"; would be like me saying I am a vegetarian and then going to McDonalds; ' which i do not do !
what a hypocrite jerry brown is !
Jerry Brown is a WIMP
When will California government get some balls?!
This is so stupid it is beyond comprehension. Veto the bill because Brown doesn't like the federal law? Does this make sense to anyone? Take the Federal Attorney and send him back to Washington D.C. We don't need no freaking Feds. Why not split from the U.S. and become our own nation? BROWN NEEDS TO BE RECALLED ASAP!!!!!!!
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