Drug War Issues
It was a relatively quiet week on the crooked cop front -- not including officers who've gone astray but haven't been caught -- but we've still got us a trio of law enforcement miscreants. Let's get to it:

Prohibition's filthy lucre is too much for some to resist (Image via Wikimedia)
In Decatur, Alabama, a Morgan County jail guard was arrested March 22 on charges he was selling drugs at the jail. Guard Marquez Laroy Goodwin, 22, sold marijuana to undercover agents, and when he was later pulled over in a traffic stop, was found in possession of a handgun and marked money from the buy. He is charged with unlawful distribution of a controlled substance. The sheriff says he will be fired, and that other guards could be involved. Stay tuned.
In Montello, Wisconsin, a former Marquette County Sheriff's deputy was sentenced March 23 to six months in jail for stealing drugs from an evidence room. Former deputy Daniel Card, 34, had pleaded guilty in January to misdemeanor charges of theft and entry into a locked room without permission. He had been found guilty in March 2009 of felony drug possession for taking drugs from the evidence room in April and May 2007. Investigators also found drugs missing from cases in 1996, 1997, and 2006. Card must also undergo a drug and alcohol assessment and possible treatment.
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one in ten get caught
I have been told by acquaintances who have been in prison and they all tell me it's easier to get drugs inside than it is outside of Jail. It has to be coming in from somewhere else, there is a lot of drugs in prison. I say free the people with Pot offenses at a minimum. I think if we legalized all drugs and took the money we are spending now on safe use and education and alternatives to these drugs. As long as people go to jail none of the prevalent drug users will not come out of the closet. Fact is in general if you get caught then chances are you have gotten away with it hundreds of times. The population of illegal users is much,much higher than reported. Many of the dealers and the higher up government officials don't want it legal, it would mess up their profits. not just drug sales but all the money made on the law enforcement side and seizure of property and money, houses, cars and everything else valuable a person may own. Knowing good and well that most of these people worked regular jobs to pay for their houses not 20 or 30 years of drug dealing. They would have been locked up a long time ago. This is my Opinion
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