Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
A Quinnipiac University poll released March 10 showed strong support for medical marijuana and marijuana decriminalization among Connecticut voters. The poll comes at state legislators consider medical marijuana and decriminalization bills.

The plant is getting popular in Connecticut (Image courtesty of the author)
"There is a near consensus on the medical marijuana law with about eight in 10 voters supporting it," said Quinnipiac poll director Dr. Douglas Schwartz. "It's rare to see such a level of support for any issue."
Support for pot decriminalization wasn't as overwhelming, but still high -- and trending upward. Decriminalization was supported by a two-to-one margin, with 65% in favor and 32% opposed. That's up seven points from the 58% who supported it in last year's March Quinnipiac poll.
Decriminalization was also supported by every demographic, with even 53% of Republicans and 58% of voters over age 64 in favor. Support was at 70% among Democrats and voters 18 to 34 years old.
The poll was conducted March 1 through 7 by surveying 1,693 registered voters. The poll used live interviewers and called both land lines and cell phones. It a margin of error of +/-2.4% percentage points.
Connecticut voters have clearly signaled in this poll their policy preferences on medical marijuana and decriminalization. Now, let's hope the state legislature, and especially key committee chairs, are paying attention.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
CT is next baby!
CT is next baby!
one step closer!!
yeah i am sure that Hawaii and Connecticut will have decriminalization this year. I feel that things need to go slowly first start with decriminalization then when people see that works, they will be like why not legalize it and get rid of the black market. Its all about education and when people realize that its relatively benign they will be on board. Even if it wasn't its still stupid to keep it illegal, all drugs must be legalized.
I read somewhere if the bills
I read somewhere if the bills are voted and approved they will "take effect July 1st; 2010; sounds good to me !
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