Consequences of Prohibition
Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
A group of world political leaders, intellectuals, and businessman Richard Branson have formed a Global Commission on Drug Policies in a bid to boost the effort to achieve more humane and rational drug laws. The commission is headed by former Brazilian President Henrique Cardoso and builds on the work Cardoso and former Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo and former Colombian President Cesar Gaviria did with the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy.

Latin America Commission panel, 2009, President Gaviria on left (courtesy
The commission will examine the current international drug control regime, conduct a global overview of drug policies and laws, examine the drug production and supply chain, address criminal justice challenges, study the lessons learned from harm reduction, treatment, and prevention campaigns, and examine the economic and political ramifications of the massive illicit global drug trade.
In addition to the three Latin American ex-presidents, commission members include former US Secretary of State George Schulz, writers Carlos Fuentes and Mario Vargas Llosa, former European Union official Javier Solana, former Swiss President Ruth Dreifuss, and former UN High Commissioner for Refugees Thorvald Stoltenberg.
"There is a growing perception that the "war on drugs" approach has failed," the commission said in a statement as it announced its existence in Geneva this week. "Eradication of production and criminalization of consumption did not reduce drug traffic and drug use," the commission said.
The harm from corruption and violence resulting from prohibition "largely exceeds the harm caused by drugs," the statement says.
We will be looking forward to seeing the commission's report this summer. The report from the Latin American Commission helped stir debate and advance the cause of reform, and this should, too.
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It's an uphill battle but worth fighting
Window Dressing?
It is not clear to me, yet, what the scope of the Global Commission on Drug Policies is, whether it has real teeth or is just another initiative launch to grab the headlines of news agencies around the world, but with very few achievements to show. I would like to know how this new Commission relates to other bodies in which the ex-Brazilian president Fernando Henriques Cardoso has a prominent participation, for instance, the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy. I do hope it is not just window dressing. There is too much at stake to play charades!
Gart Valenc
The inaction of politicians is destroying lives while cartels
This "growing perception" was CLEARLY EVIDENT years ago. It is the insanity so often described by social scientists who look at the hypothesis, design the models to test the hypothesis, publish the results, repeat the results with near 100% agreement on the result and action deferred because of politics.
"There is a growing perceptio...n that the "war on drugs" approach has
failed," the commission said in a stateme
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