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Medical Marijuana: Study Bill Moves Forward in Tennessee

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #630)

The Tennessee House Health and Human Resources Committee voted Tuesday to call on state health, law enforcement, and agriculture officials to study medical marijuana and report on it by next February 15. The move ends a two-week debate on medical marijuana in the Volunteer State and helps set the stage for the legislature to take up the issue again next year.

Jeanne Richardson
The bill now goes before the House Finance Committee, but since it doesn't contain any appropriations, should pass easily, clearing the way for a floor vote.

The vote on the study proposal came after several lawmakers expressed concerns about a medical marijuana bill introduced by Rep. Jeanne Richardson (D-Memphis), which would have allowed people suffering serious illness or debilitating medical conditions to use cannabis.

"I'm pleased that they put a deadline of February on it, and if we get through the report, I'm hopeful our bill will be passed," said Bernie Ellis, an activist who wrote the bill and presented it to the legislature. Ellis told the Chattanooga Times Free Press that his bill would allow use under a tightly regulated system where the plant would be grown by licensed farmers and dispensed through pharmacies.

Skeptics at the statehouse included Rep. Joey Hensley (R-Howenwald), a doctor, who said not enough was known. "We don't know how to prescribe it," he said in an earlier debate on the topic. "We don't know what doses any problem needs. Any other drug, we have a certain dose, a certain time to use it, a certain way to use it. There's just a lot of issues with marijuana I see as a physician who's prescribing other medications."

In the face of such doubts, Richardson went with the study proposal, which would include the Board of Pharmacy, the Board of Medical Examiners, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, the Tennessee Sheriffs' Association, and the Department of Agriculture, for starters.

"I believe these groups can work with the Board of Pharmacy, and I think they probably will," Richardson told the Chattanooga newspaper after the vote. "There's enough medical marijuana laws in other states that they can look at this without having to do any of their own research. With some cajoling, I think we can get it done."


Storm Crow (not verified)

You need factual information! That is just common sense! Since this is a medical matter, the information should come from reliable sources like PubMed, WebMD, medical journals and perhaps news articles about the studies. But I doubt if you have the time to ferret out the information about cannabis from hundreds of medical journals!

Well, I did the hard work for you and put it all in a nice neat package called "Granny Storm Crow's MMJ Reference List". Just run a search- it's up at several sites. Or simply go here-

(The link takes you to the most recent version with even more studies at one of the better MMJ forums)

Once you find my list, it's just click the links to read 100s of medical studies on this amazing herbal medicine! Everything is sorted according to condition- Alzheimers, diabetes, MS, cancers, Crohn's, Parkinson's and so much more!

Make an informed, rational decision about cannabis. Educate yourself! Thank you.

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 3:39pm Permalink

I know as a returning vet marijuana has helped me out in more ways than one. I tried doing all the legal things by going to the VA and trying meds for PTSD, but that resulted in laziness, wrecking my truck, not wanting to do nothing and neglecting my wife and kids. I threw all those pills away that the VA prescribed and started smoking a bowl in the evenings when I got home from work. I feel a hundred times better. I don't think about the war, I spend more time with my wife and kids and I feel like going to work and doing something. It is a sham I have to sneak around and by the stuff off the street when there is a cure for a lot of people out there.

Wed, 05/19/2010 - 11:29pm Permalink
tekvet (not verified)

I think it's ridiculous that Rep. Joe Hensley would bring up the unknown dosage argument when he knows full well that, regardless of the prescription dosage, there is no way to regulate how someone uses the medication at home.. Medical marijuana is simply a means to get to the end result of legalization, which is the way it should be.. We aren't talking about a hard drug that ruins lives, we're talking about a plant that is used in it's natural state and has physical effects that are as harmless as alcohol. Marijuana should be viewed in exactly the same way as alcoholic products. Don't drive or work while under the influence, but by all means, go home relax and toke if you'd like. I agree wholeheartedly with vet, I dislike chemical drugs (prescription or otherwise), don't enjoy being drunk, and marijuana allows me to function normally while allowing me to relax and enjoy what I'm doing. We're supposed to overlook the obvious and long known benefits of marijuana, yet thank the chemical gods for oxycontin, vicodin, and percoset? Not this devil dog.

Sat, 05/22/2010 - 4:37pm Permalink
Dr.GreenThumb (not verified)

In reply to by tekvet (not verified)

This is common sense. we are talking about a plant that has been made illegal just because people are scared of its profits. It has nothing to do with health issues. or intoxicating substances.

You better believe that these congressmen and wemon are getting paid to keep medical marijauan out of Tennesee.

and therefore holding back legalization..

Hemp is what has made it illegal and Hemp is what is keeping it illegal. Its not a drug. Its a herb, A flower, a weed.

This should be a no- brainer. Hemp can cure cancer. but sense it cant be patent and cant make any money.

This amazing cure will be left unknown until given the oppertunity.

Wed, 10/27/2010 - 7:40pm Permalink
mountainman (not verified)

I also am a disabled veteran. I've had three major back surgeries and now suffer from the effects of it such as degenerative disk disease, arthritis, and sciatica. Doctors have had me taking narcotic pain meds and muscle relaxers, along with NSAID's to the point that i was developing kidney failure. I had to find a viable solution so i could work and function. I live in a state where marijuana is legal for medical purposes and my doctor prescribed it for me. It has been a godsend. My kidneys now function normally and i don't need any of the pills. Cannabis has made me healthier and i live a fuller life. As far as dosage goes, i use a vaporizer and my own body tells me when i've had enough. I might use it once in the evening and then again before bed. Please Tennessee, tell your legislators to pass the medical marijuana bill. You will save money on law enforcement, incarceration costs and court costs. The tax revenues alone will be beneficial to city, county and state governments.

Tue, 06/29/2010 - 1:38am Permalink
Sherry (not verified)

I have to say that I'm all for legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes.  I don't smoke it myself but my son suffers with Multiple Sclerosis and is in constant pain throughout his body.  The doctors keep putting my son on strong narcotics which are affecting his liver, his ability to walk, think straight and just get from point A to point B.  If he could legally smoke marijuana when he's in pain he would be able to stop taking narcotics.  He has enough to deal with just dealing with MS but to have to have organ issues due to narcotics is unthinkable.  What would it hurt to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes?  I went through chemo last year for breast cancer.  I went from 135 lbs down to 105 lbs because I couldn't keep anything on my stomach.  After staying sick for so long my stomach began to shrink to the point I had no appetite.  Had I been prescribed marijuana to elevate my appetite I might not have lost so much weight which caused me more health issues .. I couldn't walk, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep and every time I drank anything it came right back up.  Marijuana could have prevented all of that.  TN needs to get with the program and legalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes .. not keep it illegal.

Tue, 08/10/2010 - 12:40pm Permalink
HOPEFUL ! (not verified)

  I am in my 60's and suffering from glaucoma. I am slowly loosing my sight.. I have 7 Grand children and would love to see them growing through there life instead of listening and being explained to what is going on in front of me.. I have been told by my Doctor's that Medical Marijuana would help in the process of slowing the spreading of the glaucoma.. I tired it in college and found no harm no foul.. I would much rather be around someone who smokes than someone drunk. I know that more has been made out of it than needed to be.. I have grown up with drugs around me in school, college, military and life in general and for the most part trouble stems from abusers, losers and boozers which have that personality no matter if medical marijuana is legalized or not .. I do believe that it would help cut down on the trafficking of the drug and whatever crime goes with that.. I do believe that it should be sold to adults 21 and over like alcohol is sold..

  There are enough states that are drawing revenue from the sale and that has to be worth something in the consideration.. The bottom line is this, I medically need the use of it but don't want to go to jail and have my family embarrassed and I know that others have needs that this natural growing herb can help in there lives also.. In closing I would like to say that I know that the law, meaning from the officers, lawyers, to the courts to the state all make money on this product in one way or the other, but to have it legalized would, I feel be much greater revenue for the state and more time well spent on other concern's..

Thank you..

Sun, 09/05/2010 - 10:12pm Permalink
mike parks (not verified)

Tennessee brought Lottery to its people and Lottery is gambling I've met quite a few preachers in my time that will tell you gambling is a sin .But to deny a natural remedy to people in need ,over man made garbage with a list of side effects and side effects of the unknowing. With a price tag that could be putting them into a decent home and food on their table makes no since.And the lack of knowledge our medical system  has is from the cold drug war that we live in .The marijuana Law it self claims lives Good honest hard working lives not the drug !But the Law it puts sick people in jeopardy it ruins families takes from loved ones .And do Consider anyone that upholds that Law a murderer .They have blood on their hands over what a natural plant while Corporations corrupt our governments . with the trillions of dollars they take in and dish out over man made garbage. and it makes you realize maybe that is why every thing we see laying around us is made in China when you taking also Inspiration from the people and the will to work.So all you politicians go drink your red wine your beers while the big game is on tv and try to forget about all of the murder and chaos that is going on 10 blocks away from your home and swallow your Ambian so you can fall asleep fast and not have to worry about the sick and dying and suffering in this country.

Mon, 12/19/2011 - 10:03pm Permalink

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