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Legalize it
This is perhaps a pipe dream which I have, but seeing as how the Czech Republic is a 3rd world country, they could benefit HUGELY by legalizing and regulating cannabis (eg. taxes, licenses-to-sell, etc). Should they ever do so, and their economy booms due to the increased revenue and tourism, and decreased enforcement, prosecution, and incarceration costs, perhaps other third world countries will do the same to help out their own economies. That way a global marijuana reform movement would be started without the need to the US to change their laws first.
But who am I kidding, as soon as the other EU members and other so called 'progressive' countries hear of this, they will quash this immediately by threating Czech or any other country with sanctions. :-(
In reply to Legalize it by Anonymous (not verified)
Are you on Crack?
First off the Czech Republic is a quiet developed nation. Sure it was not in the best shape after the soviet union collapsed in the late 80's early 90's but they are doing quiet well and their economy is not in such a mess as America's is right now. Also, one of the more "Progressive Countries" in the EU is the Netherlands home of AMSTERDAM! The world's most Pot friendly city! It is legal there to and no one has shut that down at all! So get your facts right! Also, I have been to Prague several times and it is a beautiful city I would recommend it to anyone!
In reply to Are you on Crack? by Anonymous (not verified)
You also get your facts
Cannabis is only decriminalized in Holland (as in Czech) but you can posses bigger amount (up to 28g)
In reply to Legalize it by Anonymous (not verified)
Czech Republic is not a 3rd
Czech Republic is not a 3rd world country you imbecile.
"That way a global marijuana reform movement would be started without the need to the US to change their laws first."
You must be American to post something like this. Sorry to burst your bubble but not everything revolves around the US
In reply to Czech Republic is not a 3rd by Bob Marley (not verified)
Is is so weird that they
Is is so weird that they dont just legilaze it . Aint it gonna save money?
legalize it has no clue
Dear Anonymous
The Czech Republic is not a third world country.
In fact our economy is the best in the Europe.Hows your economy at the moment?
Seems you are actualy the third world country, oh yeah i forgot you guys have all that freedom your spreeding worldwide.
We also have the fastest growing currency in the world.
How is your dollar doing at the moment????
Seems it's in the toilet and all you fat idiots can do is order more stuff from China ad shop at wal mart.
We also have free health care for everyone that lives here.
Don't get sick in your country unless you have good insurance and then they will probably tell you that your not covered becauseyou had a pre existing condition.
The world is sitting and watching and laughing as your country is failing in more ways than one.
Third world country sounds a lot like Amerika glad i don't live there.
You need to check your facts before your mouth overloads your ass.
The Czech Republc is NOT a third world country we don't accept dollars here and pretty soon no one will.
Please do not come visit as we wouldn't want to have to lend you any money for food coupons for your vacation.
legalize it has no clue
Dear Anonymous
The Czech Republic is not a third world country.
In fact our economy is the best in the Europe.Hows your economy at the moment?
Seems you are actualy the third world country, oh yeah i forgot you guys have all that freedom your spreeding worldwide.
We also have the fastest growing currency in the world.
How is your dollar doing at the moment????
Let me help you here in the last five years it has lost i repeat lost 62% of it's value against the Czech Crown and 50% againstnmost every currency traded in the world.
Seems it's in the toilet and all you fat idiots can do is order more stuff from China and shop at wal mart.
We also have free health care for everyone that lives here.
Don't get sick in your country unless you have good insurance and then they will probably tell you that your not covered because you had a pre existing condition.
The world is sitting and watching and laughing as your country is crashing int a fourth world country in more ways than one.
Third world country sounds a lot like Amerika glad i don't live there.
You need to check your facts before your mouth overloads your ass.
The Czech Republc is NOT a third world country we don't accept dollars here and pretty soon no one will.
Please do not come visit as we wouldn't want to have to lend you any money for food coupons for your vacation.
and yes you can walk down the street here and smoke a joint.
no one cares and why shold they it's just some weed.
no mandatory minimum, no can we search your car,
no just a free country one that over 17million people came to visit last year and spent over 20 billion British Pounds in direct foriegn investment.
third world my ass
try one world you stupid american one where we don't listen to stupid americans
In reply to legalize it has no clue by Anonymous (not verified)
RE : legalize it has no clue
Dear Bigot,
While I don't agree that the Czech Republic is a third world country I do know you are a hypocrite and a bigot.
Oh yeah you forgot to thank the US for saving you from the Nazis in WW II.
But that doesn't really fit into your diatribe.
In reply to legalize it has no clue by Anonymous (not verified)
Legalize it has no clue.
Dear Mr. Czech Republic Citizen who doesn't listen to stupid Americans,
As Much as I agree with the fact that that idiot has not a clue as to what he's talking about, I would also like to stress the ignorance that you are spreading. I Am an American, and I was a Soldier in the US, and I speak English, German, and Polish. I am married to a Polish Woman, and I Don't believe in anyway that Any part of Europe is a 3rd World Country. Europe has it right on health care and The Czech Krone is a currency that is not as sought after as the Euro, but people do invest in it. Don't blame the ignorance of someone that lives in a country that has economic slavery (US). You have no idea in anyway the issues most Americans went or are still going through for the last 8 years of Fascism that we all seem to feel we have gone through. We have Religious Fanatics on the Right that seem to think a Theocracy is better then a Federal Republic. The fact that you are ignorant to the ways of America is just as Ignorant as his Ways to Europe. People can be stupid on the Internet, and Assume that ALL AMERICANS are as ignorant about Europe as this guy, but you are now his Equal assuming that WE AS AMERICANS are all as stupid as this dumb fuck. Of Course the Czech Republic is not a 3rd world country, so don't take too much offense to some idiot rambling off at the mouth, but now you've also insulted those of us who are Americans, Educated, and Worldly. So pardon me for saying, please don't come to America and see the Yellowstone National Park, Mount Rushmore, The Greatness of Alaska, The Beautiful city of New york, The women in Miami Beach, Honolulu and all the Islands of Hawaii, San Francisco, Chicago, The Grand Canyon, Hollywood, The Amish Country, Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Kitty Hawk where the First Plane Flew in the World, Princeton, Harvard, Yale, New Orleans where some of the Greatest Jazz and blues Artists in the World play, or take a trip down the Large Mississippi River on a steamboat. We have a Wonderful country and if you would just take the time to look past one dumb fuck in the world, there are 299,999,999 Million more of us that are not so dumb, but you let your emotions get to you and felt the need to insult all of us. So please either apologize civilly to the rest of us and understand that not all of us are this way, or you can go fuck yourself on St. Charles Bridge with this asshole who claimed that the Czech Republic was a third World Country.
-Sincerely with much respect,
An American Living in Europe.
PS. I'm 2 hours north of Prague. I love that city almost as much as I love Honolulu. :)
Well ... ouch
Legalize it --
I agree with your bottom line: legalize marijuana. Period.
But ... I also agree that you have no clue about Czech Republic. Wow.
You are probably a resident of the United States. Me too, and because of that: your ignorance is very embarrassing to me.
Europe is waaay ahead of us in the United States on most social policy issues. This includes the Czech Republic (a country in Europe <-- for American readers).
However, we must all ask ourselves why this statement of 'Legalize it' sounds correct:
"But who am I kidding, as soon as the other EU members and other so called 'progressive' countries hear of this, they will quash this immediately by threating Czech or any other country with sanctions. :-("
The current government of the United States is the primary force behind sanctions against any country that tries to legalize drugs. This also is very embarrassing to me.
Americans need to stop being drug war and social idiots ... and Europeans need to stop being so wimpy, so they can grow the balls to make it happen. :)
--Mojo the Mellow
and pressure has been mounting...
...and pressure has been mounting for years for an adjustment in the law...
I have question about that "pressure", what kind of pressure? By who? Is there any articles or websites in english about that?
Greetings from Estonia :)
In reply to and pressure has been mounting... by Anonymous (not verified)
ok i am from Czech Republic and i think it is because of extensive use of marihuana in Czech for last 15 years. We usually ranks the first or second position in consumption of marihuana in Europe (maybe worldwide i am not sure). Marihuana is not considered harmful by majority of society, especially among young people. I am 21 now and since I started to smoke pot in my 16-17 years, me and my friends have never had any problems with police or other people. (I am light smoker) I know that only dealers had problems, but it was because they had really big amounts of ganja or they were also possibly connected with "hard drugs". In last years society is becoming even more tolerant, when people who were young smoking pot in 90s are now 30 and more years old. You can smoke weed inside of some pubs, or open gardens of restaurants and pubs in the centre of the cities and nobody cares. But of course you cannot go to fancy restaurant and smoke there.
There were cases in past of young people, which had "bigger amount" with themself, and old people who grew plants for medical purposes, and they were almost sent to prison. This was for everybody nonsense. Why should be anyone who grows or smokes weed imprisoned, when it is not "harmful" for anybody else except the person?
In case of Czech republic law just adapts to the state of czech society. I welcome it and in this particular case I am very proud on my country, although I am not big nationalist. And i can complain in other countries how stupid drug laws they have :DD (just kidding)
And since the law about "small amount" was applied in early 2000s the consumption of hard drug is decreasing steadily, which is very good in my opinion.
In reply to Pressure by jenda (not verified)
one add
Marihuana is not legalized but decriminalized. i think it is good that marihuana is not connected with governement taxation etc. in Czech. marihuana should stay out of bonds of state
The luxury of civilization
Drug prohibition is definitely a product of rich civilizations that are able to spend inordinate amounts of time, money and resources on something so completely un-threatening as drugs. Not to mention the vast losses to happiness and spiritual development. In a very strained economy where basic survival becomes the issue the WoD would be the first to lose budget, because ultimately it's based on unreality..
That said the Czech Republic is not a 3rd world country. It's an "old Communist country", old being the operative word. When I visited Pragh more than 5 years ago I found it almost indistiguishable from any other European country (having visited Great Britain, Germany, France, Norway and Holland too - and I'm a citizen of Denmark). It seemed to be a very modern nation, and the recent decriminalization has definitely hastened my return to this wonderful, civilized country :o)
The fact is that any country could realize wonderful benefits from declaring peace on the drugs. May no country experience things like The murder of Ashley ...
I too would like to know more about the specific nature of the pressure that's beeing mounting for legalization in the Czech Republic. Maybe we could learn something from this succes?
Disgusting Nationalism vs. Real debate about issues
The Czech guy's bullyragging comments to the earnest American about the status of The Czech republic as third world or not was disgraceful.
This is the type of nationalist pride that is ruining the planet. He is obviously clueless about the real merits of intellectual debate: To look clearly at issues you need to stop viewing the world as an emotional soccer match. Stop singing national anthems when you're told to, guy.
But to adress the issues: The U.S. is a first world economy slowly going down the toilet. But not anytime soon. I'm thinking between five to seven years this place will look like Mexico does now. So live it up folks--then move to Slovakia or the Czech republic! I'd be there now if it weren't for the rotten winters in that part of the world.
Someone told me a few nights ago that in London they've stopped accepting u.s. dollars. I have yet to research this but it wouldn't surprise me.
Czech Solidarity
The Czech Republic should be congratulated for the example it sets for the rest of Europe and the World.
People with the guts to stand up and push the envelope of freedom against the Soviets (albeit resulting in the Warsaw Pact Invasion of 1968), only to win out in the Velvet Revolution in 1989, deserve credit as true freedom fighters.
The election of poet, writer and lifelong Frank Zappa fan, Vaclav Havel as president, established the sanctity of the Czech appreciation for a progressive and tolerant society guided by intelligent leaders. The Czechs brew the best Pilsner in the world. And Czech women are hot.
Standing up to the drug warriors should be a walk in the park for the Czechs after what the country has already been through with the Nazis and communists.
In reply to Czech Solidarity by Giordano (not verified)
I agree 100%
I agree 100%
In reply to Czech Solidarity by Giordano (not verified)
Czech Republic
Czech is the best :D
On the economy
Just a quick comment to all US readers. The Czech Republic currently has the strongest economy in all of europe and its currency has killed the dollar in the last five years. five years ago a us dollar bought you 35 Kc, now it is down to 16 Kc . Also I know a lot of czechs buying summer homes in Florida because the housing market is such shit in the US. But besides everything else, it is simply great to live here and not be in constant fear for smoking something that has less harmful side effects than alcohol. Land of the Free:) Any American who came to visit Prague would learn very quickly that Prague is a very normal european capitol city (third most visited country in europe after london, and paris) , the "third world country" comment is laughable.
How many worlds are there?
Dear Czech Brothers,
I certainly enjoy your anti-American sentiment. You are absolutely right, Cesko is not third world, third world countries are. And since some of you might be very very young; I take it upon myself to remind you that Europe is referred to as the old world (first) America as the new world (second) and other colonies as the third world.
I lived in many countries, including Czechoslovakia and the United States. I also spent time in prison in both countries. No western style country in the world has a level of weed culture compatible to the United States. Not Holland, not Jamaica. We all smoke and have been smoking for quite a while.
Just because we live in a totalitarian country, doesn't mean we don't fight back or that we agree with the government. We just live our lives and live with (not accept) the fact that multi-year prison sentences for quality-of-life crimes are common place. We don't all count dollars, fly flags and hate foreigners. Most of us are simply victims of our government just like you...
So why the nationalistic hostility? Why did the Czech Republic join NATO? EU? Host WTO meetings? Wait, when east-Europe goes more conservative than the US, it's still brags about it's freedoms? Sound kinda American, don't you think?
I applaud your move towards decriminalization. 15 American states have similar or even more generous measures... Yes, the federal government fights us on it, just like on all other freedoms. What will the EU government make you do?
Please don't be like America! Avoid conservationism! Avoid nationalism! And don't hate us...hate our government! And hate yours too!!!
With Love,
Dr. Hillbilly
HEEEEEEEEEJ! do pice kurva
HEEEEEEEEEJ! do pice kurva legalizace travy musi byt do pice v cesku tu je!!!!! a ted ziju v americe z mamou a ani kourit nejakou travku nemuzu DPC z VLADOU!!!!!!!!! musim jak nejaky zebrak po tajnu stihovat at me cajti nenachytaji . OMG premyslejte o tom a mozna prijdete na to ze je to pro nasio zemi lepsi vsak trava je vyrustek od boha. cawko :-* InSpunc
Democratic or what?
"And don't hate us...hate our government! And hate yours too!!!"
Ooo, I thought America was "the most democratic society on earth"! Don't you have democratic elections there, man? In my country (someone might state it's a third world country, because it's somewhere near the Czech Republic) WE vote for the government and therefore we have to blame OURSELVES if it fails.. Apparently it's not like this in America.. And I'm very curious - who chooses your government for you? Or you don't choose at all and you have some kind of right of succession? Like - two years for the republicans and two years for the democrats?
We choose government, but
We choose government, but they are all same shit but different wrap! Legalize it!
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