The beat goes on. This week, we have a trio of ethically-challenged cops, and, of course, a crooked jail guard. Let's get to it:

In Salt Lake City, a former West Jordan police sergeant was arrested last Friday on charges he dealt drugs and stole seized money. Aaron Jensen, 34, is charged with distribution of a controlled substance, a second-degree felony, and two counts of misuse of public money, a third-degree felony. In one incident, Jensen was given $1,239 in cash that was seized during an arrest, but when the man was released, Jensen returned only $583. In another, he allegedly bought cocaine and heroin from two men in 2008. The two men later told investigators Jensen had contacted them earlier and said he would not arrest them if they worked as snitches for him. When Jensen was fired as a police officer, other officers cleaning his desk found several balloons of heroin and cocaine, as well as copies of the drivers' licenses for the two men from whom he bought drugs.
In Madison, Wisconsin, a state Justice Department narcotics agent pleaded not guilty last Friday to stealing drug money in an FBI sting. Agent Johnny Santiago was charged in March with theft of government property. He allegedly stole $1,100 that FBI agents planted in a vacant store he was sent to search.
In Albuquerque, a Metro Detention Center guard was arrested Tuesday after he was caught carrying heroin, methamphetamine, marijuana, and tobacco as he showed up for work. Guard Anthony Kennedy went down following a two-week investigation after jail administrators got a tip he might be bringing contraband into the jail. It is unclear what the formal charges will be at this point.
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When You or Yours Get the Dubious Honor
When you or yours, or somebody you know gets falsely accused of crime(s), google Mike Zinna to find out how he beat the rap.
Zinna is NOT stupid, he used to work for the C.I.A., and states publically: "That ALL local governments in this ARE corrupt". I urge others, not to punk out and roll over and spread eagle for it. Ladies and Gentlemen, the squeaky wheel gets the grease in this country. Drug prohibition and the phony "War on Drugs" will continue until those that are feeling the heavy handed abuse of Authority raise Hell in the proper venues.
"When they go after you, you're going to have be the meanest Son of a Bitch in town"
George Gordon (google him too, he won a landmark case before the U.S. Supreme Court , in Gordon v.s. Idaho through self litigancy or on a pro se basis)
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