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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_137.jpg
    MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_137.jpg

    Medical Marijuana Update

    A Senate companion to the successful House DEA defunding amendment has been filed, New York becomes the 23rd medical marijuana state, a CBD bill is moving in North Carolina, Rhode Island retrenches, and more.
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    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    Last week may have been slow on the police corruption front, but we make up for it this week. A Washington SWAT team member goes bad, an NYPD officer pays for going bad, a former Colorado sheriff also pays a price, an Arkansas cop gets nailed for protecting what he thought were dope loads, and, of course, more jail and prison guards get in trouble.
  • Coming soon to a store near you -- if you live in Washington state.
    Coming soon to a store near you -- if you live in Washington state.

    Chronicle AM -- June 24, 2014

    Your fearless reporter has been traveling, so our schedule is a little off, but the drug policy news continues. Paul Stanford calls it quits in Oregon, pot shops are coming within days in Washington, an Alabama drug task needs to reconsider its priorities (or maybe the people funding it need to reconsider theirs), and more.
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    Worldwide Protests Set for UN Anti-Drugs Day This Thursday [FEATURE]

    The UN's annual anti-drug day is Thursday, but this year, it is going to be met by a counter-campaign calling for drug decriminalization, harm reduction, and human rights in the drug war. "Support, Don't Punish" protests are being held in 80 cities worldwide. Is yours one?
  • Killed by a Utah narc. Finally, there might be some justice for Danielle Willard. (
    Killed by a Utah narc. Finally, there might be some justice for Danielle Willard. (

    Chronicle AM -- June 20, 2014

    Two killer narcs face consequences for their actions, New York is set to become the 23rd medical marijuana state, the Pope comments on drug policy, prohibition-related violence flares in Mexico and Peru, and more.
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    flag new york_2.jpg

    Medical Marijuana Passes in New York

    After last-minute compromises between legislators and Gov. Cuomo, the legislature has approved a medical marijuana bill, and Cuomo says he will sign it. But it's more restrictive than patients and advocates would have liked.
  • US Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) cosponsors an amendment to cut DEA medical marijuana funding. (
    US Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) cosponsors an amendment to cut DEA medical marijuana funding. (

    Chronicle AM -- June 19, 2014

    We can watch the marijuana policy landscape shift before our eyes, with legalization initiatives and decrim measures popping up around the country and even Oklahoma Republicans arguing over legalization. There is also action on the opiate front, the Senate will vote on defunding the DEA's war on medical marijuana in states where it is legal, and more.
  • children walking from home to school in Bamako, Mali (JoeyTranchinaPhotography©2014 Sète, France)
    children walking from home to school in Bamako, Mali (JoeyTranchinaPhotography©2014 Sète, France)

    What To Do About the Drug Trade in West Africa? [FEATURE]

    A new report from the West Africa Commission on Drugs calls for decriminalization and a public health approach, but that may be just the beginning of changes needed in West Africa.
  • MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_136.jpg
    MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_136.jpg

    Medical Marijuana Update

    High drama in New York as a medical marijuana bill goes down to the wire, congressmembers call on HHS to help unblock marijuana research, a limited CBD medical marijuana bill becomes law in another Southern state, and more.
  • Hillary Clinton talks pot. (Wikimedia/Chatham House Flickr Stream)
    Hillary Clinton talks pot. (Wikimedia/Chatham House Flickr Stream)

    Chronicle AM -- June 18, 2014

    A pair of potential presidential contenders speak out on marijuana, five New England governors meet on the opiate issue, New York cops are starting to be trained to use the overdose reversal drug naloxone, New York's governor makes passage of medical marijuana there iffy, the Dutch high court rules cities can ban foreigners from cannabis coffee shops, and more.