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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • Cartel's deadly warning: Hacked tweet from account of murdered Mexican citizen journalist.
    Cartel's deadly warning: Hacked tweet from account of murdered Mexican citizen journalist.

    Chronicle AM: Philly Decrim in Effect, Facebook Chides DEA, Mexico Mayhem, More (10/20/14)

    New pot polls in New Hampshire and North Dakota, Philly decrim goes into effect, NYC marijuana arrests continue, Nevada senator wants heroin clinics, Massachusetts chief justice slams mandatory minimums, Facebook sends a stern letter to DEA, mayhem continues in Mexico, and more.
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    Fighting Stigmatization of Drug Users in Denver [FEATURE]

    It's much easier to do bad things to -- or fail to do good things for -- people we have stigmatized as somehow lesser than the rest of us. The Denver-based Harm Reduction Action Center is taking on the stigmatization of drug users. That's a good thing.
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    MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_1.jpg

    Medical Marijuana Update

    A major report on CBD cannabis oil products come out, San Diego may soon get its first legal dispensary (it's only been 18 years!), patients in the Northeast grumble, the Illinois program gets lots of applicants, and more.
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    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    A pill-popping, prescription-forging North Carolina narc, a pair of lying New York City narcs, a crack-slinging Baltimore schools police officer, and a pot-growing California prison guard are among the corrupt cops in the news this week.
  • Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement William Brownfield says some surprising things.
    Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement William Brownfield says some surprising things.

    Chronicle AM: State Dept. Okay With Legalization Elsewhere, Bolivia's Morales Reelected, More (10/14/14)

    The State Department's point man on international drug affairs signals a new flexibility in US policy, Bolivia's coca farmer President Evo Morales wins reelection, the DC initiative wins more endorsements, the Florida medical marijuana initiative is in danger, and more.
  • Prop 46 would require the suspicionless drug testing of doctors. (
    Prop 46 would require the suspicionless drug testing of doctors. (

    California Malpractice Initiative Would Drug Test Doctors [FEATURE]

    A California initiative to raise medical malpractice liability limits is using the focus group-friendly drug testing of doctors as a sweetener, but even that may not be enough to save Proposition 46 as the medical community (and drug reformers) unite against it.