Chronicle Review Essay: Marijuana Policy Past and Future
Two new books on marijuana policy. One tells the story of how we got to where we are; the other tells us what's coming next.
Tennessee Governor Signs Bill Criminalizing Pregnant Women Who Use Drugs
Bad science becomes bad law as Tennesse Gov. Haslam signs into law a bill crimnalizing pregnant women who use drugs.
Retired Supreme Court Justice Stevens Says Legalize It
Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens has become the first justice ever to endorse marijuana legalization.
DEA Chief Opposes Marijuana Legalization, Supports Mandatory Minimums
DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart was resolutely 20th Century as she appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday. Mandatory minimums good, marijuana legalization bad, she argued.
Medical Marijuana Update
Medical marijuana continues hot and heavy in state legislatures across the country, there's a petition for a patient denied access to a liver transplant in California, two federal marijuana patients in Iowa also need some help, and a new federal medical marijuana bill has been filed.
This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
It's a veritable cornucopia of corrupt cops this week. Major corruption scandals wind down in the Chicago suburbs and the Rio Grande Valley, LA deputies get popped planting guns in a dispensary, a Philly narc sleeps with his snitch and whispers DEA secrets in her ear, and more.
Chronicle AM -- April 24, 2016
Marijuana, weed, pot, cannabis, whatever you call it, it's sure making a lot of news these days. Plus, harm reduction comes to Georgia, and Bolivia wants to shoot down drug planes. And more.
Chronicle AM -- April 25, 2014
An Oregon congressman fights to end federal marijuana prohibition, a DC congresswoman vows to fight for decrim in the District, a Brooklyn DA gets support for his stance on small-time pot charges, some Philly narcs escape justice, and more.

New Zealand is taking regulated synthetic drugs off the shelf until they can be proven "low risk." (
Chronicle AM -- April 28, 2012
Medical marijuana continues to be contested terrain, a legalization bill gets a hearing in Boston, hemp is on the move in Hawaii and New York, New Zealand cracks down on its regulated synthetic drugs, and more.
Chronicle AM -- April 29, 2014
Pressure builds for marijuana legalization in Illinois, a California medical marijuana patient is bumped off the liver transplant list, the drug czar's office slams the idea of criminalizing drug use by pregnant women, and the founder of the Pirate Party has some choice words on drug policy. And more.

The US spent $7.5 billion to reduce Afghan opium cultivation. Now Afghanistan produces more than ever. Go figger. (
Chronicle AM -- April 30, 2014
There was marijuana talk on Capitol Hill yesterday, a Vermont dispensary bill passes the Senate, Georgia's governor signs a welfare drug testing bill, a California drugged driving bill dies, and -- oh, yeah, we spent $7.5 billion to reduce Afghan opium production and got squat. And more.
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