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Drug War Chronicle #652 - October 7, 2010

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director

The Time is NOW -- Support CA Prop 19!

California's Prop 19, the "tax and regulate" initiative to legalize marijuana, is ahead in the polls. But turnout is going to be key in this very close election. Please sign up to do get out the vote volunteering by phone -- you don't have to live in California, you just need a phone and an Internet connection -- or do other work to help put Prop 19 over the top.
Ciudad Juarez
Ciudad Juarez

Mexico Drug War Update

Some 288 people were killed in prohibition-related violence in Ciudad Juarez last month, and the pace is continuing this month.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Whew! Sex, drugs, strippers, and a federal judge, oh, my! Plus a murder-plotting meth-head trooper, another crooked border inspector, more Philly cops trying to rip off drug dealers, and an Oklahoma narc helping send guns down Mexico way.
mobile needle exchange/clinic site, Fresno
mobile needle exchange/clinic site, Fresno

California Governor Vetoes Needle Access Bill

California Gov. Schwarzenegger could have made syringe sales to adults legal throughout the state in a bid to reduce the transmission of HIV and Hep C. Instead, he chose to extend a program leaving it up to cities and counties.
Royal Castle Square, Warsaw
Royal Castle Square, Warsaw

Poland Shutters Synthetic Drug Shops

The Polish government is cracking down on new synthetic drugs and wants the power to pull from the shelves any product that could be harmful to health or life. It didn't mention Polish vodka, though.

This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.