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Drug War Chronicle #625 - March 26, 2010

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director

Commentary: What Not to Do if You Grow Marijuana and Police Visit You

In a guest piece for the Chronicle, law professor John Calvin Jones dissects the case of a New Jersey man who ended up headed for prison for growing marijuana after police were called because he and his girlfriend were too loud during sex. He has some useful tips for people who want to know how to exercise their rights and avoid ending up like this guy.

Latin America: Mexico Drug War Update

Things that make you go hmmm... In one incident in Mexico this week, gunmen attacked a convoy carrying two prisoners. In the aftermath, the two prisoners were turned over to the Mexican Marines. Next thing you know, one of them turns up dead on the side of a road and the other has gone missing. Hmmm.

Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy

"An Argument to Avoid Making," "If You Call Yourself a Drug Policy Reformer, You Need to Watch This," "The Real Reason Football Players Aren't Supposed to Use Marijuana," "Researchers Prove Definitively That the Drug War Sucks," "The 'Fake Marijuana' Situation is Getting Confusing," "The War on Drugs Is Doomed," "Cops + Drugs = Corruption," "'No, the Number One Thug in This Movie is Definitely Scott Morgan.'"