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Drug War Chronicle #524 - February 21, 2008

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director
three new book offers for members:

(The Chronicle comes out a day early this week due to staff travel schedule.)

In Memoriam: Dr. John P. Morgan

Dr. John P. Morgan, coauthor of "Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts" and a leading academic advocate for drug policy reform, died suddenly last Friday. He will be sorely missed.

Marijuana: New Hampshire Decriminalization Bill Hits Bump

A bill that would decriminalize marijuana possession in New Hampshire is hitting some bumps. Last week, a subcommittee slashed the quantity from one ounce or less to one-quarter ounce or less, and this week a committee voted not to recommend the bill. But it will still go to the House floor and a possible roll-call vote.

Australia: Queensland Passes Tough New Drug Law

The drug laws just got tougher in Australia's Queensland. The parliament there passed a bill increasing penalties for Ecstasy, PMA, and a number of other drugs, added "analogues" to the list, and made it a crime to provide items used to make drugs.

Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy

"Drug Testing Welfare Applicants Will Only Cause Horrible Problems," "Rule #1 of Drug Legalization is Don't Talk About Drug Legalization," "Judge Throws Out DEA Agents' Lawsuit Against 'American Gangster'," "A Big Bump on the Road to the Mexico," more coming soon...