Drug War Chronicle #524 - February 21, 2008
three new book offers for members:

(The Chronicle comes out a day early this week due to staff travel schedule.)
Editorial: Politicians Are Too Scared to Talk About Drug Prohibition, So We Must Talk
How many more lives will be ruined by the drug laws before our leaders are willing to talk sense about them? Too many, here and everywhere.
Top Doctors Association Says "YES" to Medical Marijuana in Historic Endorsement
The nation's second largest doctors' organization endorsed the medicinal use of marijuana in a major policy statement released last week.
Stop Filling Prisons, California -- Advocates to Take Sentencing Reform Case to Voters
California's prison system is the nation's second largest, behind only the federal prison system. Now, an initiative that would dramatically expand Proposition 36-style "treatment not jail" programs, as well as other systemic reforms, is headed for the November ballot.
In Memoriam: Dr. John P. Morgan
Dr. John P. Morgan, coauthor of "Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts" and a leading academic advocate for drug policy reform, died suddenly last Friday. He will be sorely missed.
Appeal: Three Exciting New Book Offers for Our Donating Supporters
We are pleased to offer the works "Over the Influence: The Harm Reduction Guide for Managing Drugs and Alcohol," "Women Behind Bars: The Crisis of Women in the US Prison System," and "Cannabis: Yields and Dosage," as our latest membership premium gifts.
Law Enforcement: This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
Slim picking on the corrupt cop front this week, but we still have a Los Angeles probation officer rounded up in a major bust and a small town Pennsylvania cop about to pay for his big ambitions.
Marijuana: New Hampshire Decriminalization Bill Hits Bump
A bill that would decriminalize marijuana possession in New Hampshire is hitting some bumps. Last week, a subcommittee slashed the quantity from one ounce or less to one-quarter ounce or less, and this week a committee voted not to recommend the bill. But it will still go to the House floor and a possible roll-call vote.
Latin America: Colombian Soldiers Convicted of Killing Colombian Narcotics Police
A judge in Cali has found a Colombian army colonel and 14 of his troops guilty of murder for killing 10 elite Colombian anti-drug police and their informant at the request of drug traffickers.
Europe: Grow Ops Pop Up in Southern Norway
Scandinavia tends toward harsh drug policies, but that isn't stopping marijuana growers in Norway. Police there report a series of recent grow up busts.
Australia: Queensland Passes Tough New Drug Law
The drug laws just got tougher in Australia's Queensland. The parliament there passed a bill increasing penalties for Ecstasy, PMA, and a number of other drugs, added "analogues" to the list, and made it a crime to provide items used to make drugs.
Southeast Asia: Methadone Maintenance Coming to Ho Chi Minh City
While Vietnam is generally noted for dealing with its heroin problem by sentencing traffickers to death, one methadone maintenance program for users is already underway and another one is set to open in Ho Chi Minh City.
Europe: Poll Finds Britons Prefer Status Quo on Marijuana, But One Quarter Would Support No Penalties At All
As the British government prepares for a seemingly inevitable up-scheduling of marijuana, a new poll finds that a plurality of Britons like the penalties for pot possession as they are, and about one quarter would just like to see it legalized or decriminalized.
Weekly: This Week in History
Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy
"Drug Testing Welfare Applicants Will Only Cause Horrible Problems," "Rule #1 of Drug Legalization is Don't Talk About Drug Legalization," "Judge Throws Out DEA Agents' Lawsuit Against 'American Gangster'," "A Big Bump on the Road to the Mexico," more coming soon...
Students: Intern at DRCNet and Help Stop the Drug War!
Apply for an internship at DRCNet for this fall (or spring), and you could spend the semester fighting the good fight!
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Do you read Drug War Chronicle? If so, we need your feedback to evaluate our work and make the case for Drug War Chronicle to funders. We need donations too.
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