CBD cannabis oil bills have gotten though legislatures in Indiana and Virginia, Texas sees the first delivery of CBD cannabis oil to a patient, and more.

On Monday, Ithe Senate passed a CBD bill. The Senate voted 35-13 to approve Senate Bill 294, which would allow any state resident to purchase and use CBD cannabis oil. Similar legislation passed the House last week on a unanimous vote.
Last Thursday, a second medical marijuana bill was filed. Sen. Stephen West (R-Paris) has filed Senate Bill 118, which would allow patients with certain specified medical conditions to use any form of marijuana. A companion bill has been filed in the House. Last month, Democratic Secretary of State Allison Grimes filed another medical marijuana bill, House Bill 166.
Last Thursday, the state saw its first deliver of CBD cannabis oil to a patent . A six-year-old girl suffering from epilepsy became the first patient in the state to receive CBD cannabis oil Thursday -- more than two years after Gov. Greg Abbott (R) signed a law legalizing its use. The delivery came from Knox Medical in Schulenburg.
Last Friday, the House passed a CBD bill. The House has passed a bill, House Bill 1215, which would allow doctors to prescribe CBD cannabis oil for any medical condition. A companion measure is up for a vote in the Senate next week and is expected to pass.
On Monday, the Senate passed a companion bill. The Senate voted unanimously to approve Senate Bill 726, which would allow doctors to recommend the use of CBD cannabis oil or THC-A oil. The House passed a companion bill, also unanimously, last Friday. The bill now awaits the governor's signature.
[For extensive information about the medical marijuana debate, presented in a neutral format, visit MedicalMarijuana.ProCon.org.]
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