Marijuana Policy
Marijuana Policy Project's 10 Marijuana Policy Victories of 2015. The list includes good stances by presidential candidates, actions in the Congress, decriminalization victories at the state and local level, and more. Check it out.
Georgia Bill to Defelonize Possession of More Than an Ounce Pre-Filed. That's right: Possession of more than an ounce of marijuana is a felony in Georgia. State Senator Harold Jones (D-Augusta) has announced he is pre-filing a bill that would reduce possession of any amount of marijuana to a misdemeanor. He said that people with large amounts of marijuana could still be charged with possession with intent to deliver.
Medical Marijuana
New York Begins Online Registration for Patients. The state Health Department has launched its online registration for patients to obtain non-smokable medical marijuana when it becomes available next month. Registration information is here.
Oregon County Employee Fired for Medical Marijuana Use. Medical marijuana is legal in Oregon. Heck, marijuana is legal in Oregon. But Lane County has fired a county employee suffering from cancer who uses medical marijuana because he violated the county's drug-free workplace policy. The fired worker, Eugene resident Michael Hirsch, now has the backing of the county's largest labor union. AFSCME Local 2831 said it plans to file a grievance and fight to get Hirsch's job back. "It's outrageous to me that the county did this," said union rep Jim Steiner. "We have fought the county's termination decisions before and won, but among the terminations, this one just doesn't make sense."
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The so-called "Drug Free Workplace"
It's time to abolish the repugnant and blatantly hypocritical monstrosity known as "The Drug-Free Workplace" and it's perverted henchman, the "Drug Test." That was a load of shit even when we were in the throes of Reefer Madness.
When Colorado legalized it, I naively expected local businesses to start adjusting their policies; instead, the local chambers of commerce unanimously voiced their objections to legalization, and they did not stop drug testing their employees. And it's still true here in Colorado, where you can buy cannabis just about anywhere, you still have to take a pee test for many jobs.
Well I say fuck those jobs. Just don't take them. Don't work for them. The hell with them. Unfortunately, too many people still feel they want, or must have, one of those stinking jobs, so they are still willing to be violated like that. And I understand the economic control they have over you: I've done it, I've taken (and beaten) their tests in order to get a job.
But since legalization, I've raised my standards on potential employers. From now on, any organization that would hire me must first comply with my "Mandatory Marijuana Workplace Act", which mandates that I must have sufficient levels of THC within my bloodstream in order to work safely and effectively. If they can't meet this threshold, I won't work for them!
Seriously, a private employer is not an authority figure. Who gives a damn what they think of you? If you find they are pushing you around, telling you what to wear and what not to wear, what to eat and what not to eat, what to smoke and what not to smoke... and "enforcing" all this through "mandatory" policies, then guess what? That's not a job, that's a cult. And they've got you. It doesn't matter what you "think" you believe anymore. You are compliant. You've submitted. You're officially brainwashed, even though you can't feel it.
Get out. Don't drink the Kool-Aid; just get out. Find a job that treats you right!
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