With Congress back in session, bills are getting some attention, Roger Christie walks out of prison, the PA Senate will take up medical marijuana next week, smoke-in in Bogota, and more. Let's get to it:

Hawaii's THC Minister Roger Christie Walks Out of Federal Prison. Roger Christie walked out of a federal detention center near Honolulu uncowed today after nearly 50 months behind bars on marijuana charges related to his THC Ministry. He had done nearly four years without bail awaiting trial before he and his wife accepted a plea deal that resulted in release for time served. He is vowing to lead the fight to legalize marijuana in the Aloha State.
LA Rally Marks a Century of Marijuana Prohibition, Calls for Its End. A rally at City Hall in Los Angeles yesterday marked the 100th anniversary of the state's first pot bust, in which state Board of Pharmacy agents cut down and seized $500 worth of "Indian Hemp" in the city's Sonoratown Mexican colony. The event was sponsored by Cal NORML and the California Coalition for Cannabis Policy Reform. Several current and former Los Angeles elected officials attended.
Oregon Legalization Campaign Contributes to Get Out the Youth Vote Effort. New Approach Oregon, the folks behind the Measure 91 legalization initiative, have contributed $100,000 to a voter registration effort conducted by the state's major progressive political groups, Our Oregon. The campaign has identified increasing youth turn-out in this off-year election as a key campaign goal.
Medical Marijuana
Charlotte's Web Medical Hemp Act Picks Up More Sponsors. The bill, HR 5226, is picking up more sponsors every day. It got three more Wednesday and two more yesterday. The newest cosponsors are Reps. Jared Polis (D-CO), Peter Welch (D-VT), John Yarmuth (D-KY), John Delaney (D-MD), and Beto O'Rourke (D-TX). The bill, which was introduced at the end of July, now has 21 cosponsors -- 13 Democrats and eight Republicans.
Preserving Welfare for Needs Not Weed Act Gains New Sponsor. The bill, HR 4137, would bar the use of EBT cards from the food stamp program in marijuana stores. Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-TX) becomes the 15th cosponsor. All the cosponsors are Republicans.
Pennsylvania Senate to take Up Medical Marijuana Next Week. Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi (R-Chester) said Wednesday night he plans to caucus on whether to move forward with Senate Bill 1182, saying the bill has "broad support" in the legislature.
Iowa Legislature Panel Says Medical Marijuana Should be Grown in State. A bipartisan legislative committee studying the state's CBD oil medical marijuana law has recommended growing and distributing it in the state and reclassifying marijuana under state law. The vote was largely along party lines, with only one Republican voting for Iowa-grown medical marijuana.
Asset Forfeiture
Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act Picks Up More Cosponsors. The bill, HR 5212, would provide additional protections against civil asset forfeiture efforts by law enforcement and prosecutors. The newest cosponsors are Reps. Rob Bishop (R-UT), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Michael Conaway (R-TX), and Paul Broun (R-GA). The bill has nine cosponsors, all Republicans.
Drug Testing
California Initiative to Drug Test Doctors Losing Ground. A new Field Poll finds that Proposition 46, a medical malpractice initiative that includes a provision mandating drug testing for doctors, is well under 50%, with support declining. Support for the measure is at 34%, with 37% opposed and 29% undecided. It had led earlier, but support is evaporating in the face of a multi-million dollar "no" campaign funded by doctors, medical groups, and insurance companies.
Second Chance Reauthorization Act Picks Up New Sponsors, Hearing Set Next Week. The bill, SB 1690, would amend the existing act to broaden access to family-based drug treatment and other reentry services. The newest cosponsors are Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Mazie Hirono (D-HI). The Senate Judiciary Committee will take it up next Thursday.
Smoke-In in Front of the Colombian Congress. The Colombian Congress was the scene of a peaceful marijuana smoke-in Thursday, with demonstrators demanding the legalization of the drug. Demonstration leaders vowed to continue protests, "rolling joints in any place" in the capital city, Bogota. The demo comes as the Congress considers a medical marijuana bill.
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