It's nothing less than electrifying when a chapter of a global saga is being written in your backyard. It is undeniably your turn to stand up, organize and make your mark.
The folks behind DC Cannabis Campaign (DCMJ) have advanced Voter Initiative 71, which will legalize possession and home growing of marijuana—hopefully paving the way for the DC Council to enact sane, sensible "tax and regulate" measures like the ones currently being implemented in Colorado and Washington.
It will add to the momentum of battles now underway in Oregon and Alaska.
It will advance the credibility of the anti-prohibitionists who want to set our country free and make this a national issue that no one can ignore any longer.
Help Us Legalize Marijuana in DC
As a DC-based organization, this initiative is close to our hearts. As an organizational steering committee member we have committed to delivering 5,000 of the signatures needed to get I-71 on the ballot and then to work for its passage. We need donors and volunteers to deliver on our pledge and spread the good fight in our corner of the world.
There are a few ways you should help now:
DONATE: Visit our donation page to make a generous donation supporting the DC Cannabis Campaign. Please select the option to make a non-deductible donation supporting our lobbying work, and indicate in the notes field that it is for the DC campaign, Initiative 71. If you can afford it, please return to the donation page to make a second gift (tax-deductible or non-deductible) supporting our ongoing work that makes this outreach possible, or indicate in the notes field how much of your gift is meant for the campaign vs. our organization.
VOLUNTEER: If you live in the DC-area, please contact and become part of the campaign's volunteer force. We're going to join DCMJ out on the streets, inform our fellow DCers about the campaign, gather signatures and help Initiative 71 pass. Please include "DCMJ volunteer" in the subject line. We'll be in touch soon thereafter.
This is an exciting time. We're not a voice in the wilderness anymore. Unprecedented gains are within our reach—even in the nation's capital.
Will you join us?
David Borden, Executive Director
Washington, DC
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