A Texas Department of Public Safety trooper who opened fire from a helicopter on a fleeing pickup carrying what he thought was a drug load near the US-Mexico border, killing two Guatemalan immigrants, will not face criminal charges. A grand jury in Edinburg declined Tuesday to indict him in the deaths.

In the October 2012 incident, Trooper Miguel Avila was aboard the Department of Public Safety (DPS) chopper as it participated in the pursuit of the pickup. DPS said Avila believed the truck, whose bed was covered with a cloth, was carrying drugs, and that he opened fire to disable it because the fleeing vehicle was headed toward a school zone. (The shooting took place on an unpaved rural road.)
The truck crashed after being fired upon. Police found no drugs, but instead found nine Guatemalan immigrants and a teenage driver. Six of the Guatemalans were in the bed of the pickup covered by a cloth. Two of them, Marco Antonio Castro and Jose Leonardo Coj Cumar, were fatally wounded by Avila's gunfire.
While the two men's killer escaped criminal charges, the killing did force DPS to revise its policies on the use of force from the sky. Since February, troopers have been prohibited from shooting from the sky unless they are facing deadly force.
"A firearms discharge from an aircraft is authorized only when an officer reasonably believes that the suspect has used or is about to use deadly force by use of a deadly weapon against the air crew, ground officers or innocent third parties," the revised policy says. Reckless or aggressive driving doesn't count as use of a deadly weapon, the policy states.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Texas Trooper Cleared in Chopper Drug War Killings
The war on drugs needs to end now. How many more innocent people have to be killed before it is stopped ? Our court systems are overwhelmed, our jails and prisons are beyond over crowded. Innocent people and animals are killed . Children are being taken away from good parents. All the war on drugs is doing is keeping the gangs going, feeding the over bloated government and keeping big pharma big. PLEASE, I beg of you, PLEASE STOP THE WAR ON DRUGS !!!!!!!!!!!
sorry to say...
...but I have gotten to the point where I -- a lifelong individualist -- am thinking of cops as a group now, and am perilously close to saying "I hate 'em all." But that's irrational, of course. Not every cop is a thug. Just most of them. Today, there are a few GOOD apples in the barrel, and that's all. But it is not right for me to assume ALL are the enemy, although the institution they serve certainly is.
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