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This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #761)
Drug War Issues

There seem to be some problems with drug task force leadership in Mississippi, and a Michigan cop gets in trouble for treating the forfeiture shed as his own personal pawn shop. Let's get to it:

In Eastpointe, Michigan, a former detective was charged November 16 with stealing tires, slot machines, watches, and other items from the Eastpointe Police forfeiture shed for drugs and money. The as yet unnamed former officer is charged with misconduct in office and embezzlement. The former cop allegedly gave the items to a confidential informant to sell.

In Oxford, Mississippi, the former head of the Lafayette County Metro Narcotics Unit was arrested last Monday on charges he was "doctor shopping" for prescription pain pills. Searn Lynch was still head of the unit until he was arrested, then he was fired. He is accused of getting prescriptions from at least 17 different doctors. Lynch joined the department in 1999 and served as head of the narcotics unit for several years. He allegedly received one hydrocodone prescription in 2005; when arrested, he had 15 different prescriptions for hydrocodone and two more for oxycodone. He has been released on a $5,000 bond.

In Pascagoula, Mississippi, the former Jackson County Narcotics Task Force commander was indicted last Friday for a shooting at the task force's Pascagoula office. Sgt. Jackie Trussell, the former task force commander, got himself into criminal trouble when he shot a round from his gun into the office floor at the feet of another agent who had threatened to poke him with a hypodermic needle. Trussell said he was afraid of needles. The other agent suffered a minor wound to his shin when a bullet fragment hit it. The shooting incident led several local jurisdictions to withdraw from the task force. Trussell is charged with misdemeanor simple assault and is looking at up to six months in jail. He has been released on a $1,000 bond.

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