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VOTE, and Other Fun and Important Info

Submitted by David Borden on (Issue #656)
Consequences of Prohibition
Politics & Advocacy

Welcome to the special Election Day issue of Drug War Chronicle. A few fun and important notes:

  1. VOTE.
  2. If you read this soon enough, you can still phonebank (starting noon EST).
  3. Read my editorial on Alternet today to hear why win or lose today, Prop 19 has been a winner for the cause.
  4. We've focused a lot on Prop 19 this year, but there are other initiatives on today's ballots as well. This special issue has articles about initiatives in South Dakota and Oregon too (medical marijuana), and there is also a medical marijuana initiative in Arizona, and a series of local questions on the ballot in more than 70 cities across Massachusetts.
  5. Check back at today and tonight for breaking election-related news.
  6. VOTE.

A coalition of drug policy reform organizations organized a Prop 19/legalization presence at the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear in Washington last weekend. A few of us made the "Sanity Restored" photogallery on the widely-read Talking Points Memo political web site. (Photo appears courtesy TPM and

Other election-related activities included a post-rally phonebanking pizza party in the office:

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