Congressmen from districts along the US-Mexican border are asking for $500 million in emergency federal funds to fight the drug trade along the border. The request came last Friday in a letter from the House Border Caucus to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging her to include immediate funding in an emergency supplemental spending package.
The letter requested:
- $202.2 million to hire hundreds of additional US Border Patrol agents and inspection agents at ports of entry to alleviate understaffing.
- $200 million to go toward replacing communications infrastructure used by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) along remote stretches of the border.
- $50 million to go toward Operation Stonegarden, a federal program that assists local law enforcement in fighting violence and drug and weapon trafficking.
- $39.6 million to screen all CBP agents to prevent infiltration and corruption efforts by cartels.
- $10 million to compensate border region health care providers as they treat individuals wounded in Mexico who cross the border to seek treatment at US hospitals.
"The will of governments in communities in the US and Mexico to combat criminal elements is strong," said the letter written by Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-El Paso). "The United States Congress must continue to honor that resolve with needed funding to aid those serving on the front lines at this critical juncture."

Mexican President Felipe Calderon, whose decision in December 2006 to go to war against the so-called cartels unleashed the current wave of violence, is coming to Washington next month to meet with President Obama and address both houses of Congress.
"We are hoping to get this funding to the border soon, and we are urging our leaders and colleagues to make it happen," said Rep. Rubén Hinojosa (D-TX). "We want to make sure our federal agents on the border have everything they need to protect themselves, to protect us and to protect the border."
"We want to make sure that the border law enforcement get as much support as they need," said Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX). "They understand we're doing as much as we can from Congress to help them supplement the work they do."
Congress has already allocated at least $1.2 billion for anti-drug assistance to Mexico via the 2008 Plan Merida. This additional funding would come on top of that. And there's no guarantee that would be the end of it.
"Our first shot at doing this of course is with the appropriation's emergency funding... if we (get) part of it (at that time) we can always go to the second part which is the regular appropriations," Cuellar said in a telephone Tuesday with the Valley Morning Star. "I feel one way or another we will get a good share of what we are asking for."
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Every government in the
Every government in the world, NATO, banks, the stock exchange, DEA, Dept. of Justice are involved in the dope trade for PROFIT. Read Shadow Masters by Daniel Estulin. Banks launder dope money until it is "squeeky clean." The USA government is in Afghanistan for the profits in the heroin market. The top 2% wealthiest and most powerful people on the plant are the one who are reaping the profits in the billions$$$ from this "drug way." As for the people of the world, we get to fund it and we get to pay for our incarceration, all compliments of the 2% wealthiest and most powerful people on this planet.
Don't be fooled, people, the USA is neck deep in reaping profits from the drug trade. Those dope profits are also paying down our national debt also!
I'm sick of being lied to about a phoney "drug war." Let's get this "truth" out there to everyone.
In reply to Every government in the by Anonumus (not verified)
Yes, you're right!
Yes, you're right!
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