Canada's Conservative federal government Tuesday introduced legislation that would create mandatory prison sentences for drug trafficking and drug producing offenses, including marijuana cultivation. The move marks a firm embrace of US-style drug war policies by the government of Prime Minister Steven Harper and comes as part of a larger "tough on crime" legislative package.
"Drug producers and dealers who threaten the safety of our communities must face tougher penalties," said Minister of Justice Rob Nicholson in a statement announcing the legislation. "This is why our government is moving to impose mandatory jail time for serious drug offenses that involve organized crime, violence or youth."
According to the justice minister, the legislation will amend Canada's drug law, the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, to include the following mandatory minimum sentences and other enhanced penalties:
- A one-year mandatory prison sentence will be imposed for dealing drugs such as marijuana when carried out for organized crime purposes, or when a weapon or violence is involved;
- A two-year mandatory prison sentence will be imposed for dealing drugs such as cocaine, heroin or methamphetamines to youth, or for dealing those drugs near a school or an area normally frequented by youth;
- A two-year mandatory prison sentence will be imposed for the offense of running a large marijuana grow operation of at least 500 plants;
- The maximum penalty for cannabis production would increase from 7 to 14 years imprisonment; and
- Tougher penalties will be introduced for trafficking GHB and flunitrazepam (most commonly known as date-rape drugs).
"Drugs are dangerous and destructive, yet we see Canadian youth being exposed to and taking drugs at such young ages, and grow-ops and drug labs appearing in our residential areas," said Minister Nicholson. "By introducing these changes, our message is clear: if you sell or produce drugs -- you'll pay with jail time."
According to a justice ministry backgrounder on the legislation, marijuana trafficking offenses involving at least three kilograms of weed would be subject to one- or two-year mandatory minimum sentences if "aggravating factors" are present. To earn a one-year mandatory minimum sentence, the offense would have to be "for the benefit of organized crime," involve the use or threat of force or violence, or be committed by someone convicted of a similar offense within the past 10 years. Aggravating factors that can garner a two-year mandatory minimum include trafficking in a prison, in or near a school or "near an area normally frequented by youth," in concert to a youth, or selling to a youth.
The proposed legislation also includes mandatory minimum sentences for any marijuana cultivation offense -- if "the offense is committed for the purpose of trafficking." For up to 200 plants, it's six months mandatory jail time; for 201-500 plants, it's one year in jail; and for more than 500 plants, it's a two-year mandatory minimum. The penalties increase to nine months, 18 months, and 36 months, respectively, if "health and safety factors" are involved. Those factors include using someone else's property to commit the offense, creating a potential health or safety hazard to children, creating a potential public safety hazard in residential areas, or setting traps.
The proposed legislation also doubles the maximum sentences for marijuana growing or trafficking offenses from seven to 14 years.
The Harper government's legislation is a direct attack on Canada's cannabis culture, the most-friendly in the West, according to United Nations usage statistics. Look for a battle royal over this proposed step backward, and look for a Drug War Chronicle feature article on the coming battle next week.
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Keep Jenkhem Safe And Legal
Jenkhem is the latest drug to be picked up by the drugwar industrial complex. By prohibiting young people and adults from huffing their own bodily wastes, the U.S. governmet would be controlling yet another aspect of human self-determination.
There needs to be jenkhem education on every level of society. Quality jenkhem products could be sold to those of legal age, while young people could be informed about the health consequences involved. For those in over their head in jenkhem there could be support groups.
Let's not let them do to jenkhem what they did to BZ!
Steve Prevel
Keep Jenkhem Legal (KJL)
Paducah, Kentucky
In reply to Keep Jenkhem Safe And Legal by Anonymous (not verified)
what in the hell?
what kind of idiot would want to get high off their body waste? And what kind of people come up with this stuff anyway? jason darnell providence,ky.
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