Along with our weekly in-depth Chronicle reporting, DRCNet has since late summer also been providing daily content in the way of blogging in the Stop the Drug War Speakeasy, as well as Latest News links (upper right-hand corner of most web pages), event listings (lower right-hand corner) and other info. Check out DRCNet every day to stay on top of the drug reform game!

This week:
David Borden opines on "Is it Bad Cop vs. Cop, or Bad Cop vs. Good Cop?"; "We Made Brownies and I Think We're Dead," the police officer told the 9-1-1 operator; "Drugs to Vaccinate You -- Against Drugs!"; and "Coordinated Drug War Raids as Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying; reports that "One of the Worst Drug Warriors is Back, Under Mysterious Circumstances"; "Marijuana Activists Brutalized by Moscow Police During Annual Demonstration"; and "Atlanta Police Nearly Killed 80-Year-Old Woman Two Months Before Killing Kathryn Johnston; and links to stories on pain, soap and drug field tests, Joe Califano, overdose prevention and the Rockefeller drug laws, plus a Maryland action alert.
Scott Morgan brings us "This is Not Your Parents' Cocaine"; "The Boy Who Cried Meth"; and a thorough debunking of a racial profiling skeptic's editorial.
Phil Smith contributes "Initial Reports on the Global Marijuana Marches" -- with pictures from the San Francisco march -- and asks "What the Heck is Going On in Licking County, Ohio?"
David Guard has been busy too, posting a plethora of press releases, action alerts, job listings and other interesting items reposted from many allied organizations around the world in our "In the Trenches" activist feed. DRCNet's Reader Blogs have been going too -- we invite you to join them and become an author in the DRCNet community too. And we urge you to comment on any or all of the above.
Thanks for reading, and writing...
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false thc test
Is there any agency that can verify that the use of Ibuprofen can cause a false positive drug test,
I was taking Ibuprofen for about three days and was told that I tested positive however I do nt use manjuana
any help would be appricated.
Thanks for Your Time
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